Krystian N.
Fr Paul Kramer interview - October 2023: Synod of synodality is a fraud. The greatest schism in the Catholic Church is coming.More
Fr Paul Kramer interview - October 2023: Synod of synodality is a fraud. The greatest schism in the Catholic Church is coming.
Hound of Heaven
I pray not, but to compromise our Faith in order to avoid schism would be a schism merely delayed. "A house divided against itself cannot stand." Mark 3:25
Krystian N.
The schism must happen. Otherwise we won't have a real Church. Before long, the Bergoglian church will schism itself from the Tradition.
Hound of Heaven
For me, 'must' is a strong word. The real Church will stand, nonetheless; we have our Lord's word on it, however, it will be not unlike the catacomb Church for a time (Ratzinger/Benedict XIV), and I weep for the members we lose along the way, not for their numbers, but for their souls. As the Reformation proved definitively, when the divorce occurs all members of the family are hurt in some way; …More
For me, 'must' is a strong word. The real Church will stand, nonetheless; we have our Lord's word on it, however, it will be not unlike the catacomb Church for a time (Ratzinger/Benedict XIV), and I weep for the members we lose along the way, not for their numbers, but for their souls. As the Reformation proved definitively, when the divorce occurs all members of the family are hurt in some way; the Church itself was left wounded, but unvanquished. You may well be correct, and schism may be the purgative required to set the barque of Peter aright, but I am mourning for the lost sheep, as I believe Jesus modeled us to do. Thank you for your thoughtful comment.