We Must Obey God Fr. John Mary addresses the question of obedience to God vs. obedience to man. 00:00 Intro 02:38 1. Messages from God 06:04 2. Unprecedented Crisis 06:54 2.A. Warnings 08:23 2.B. …More
We Must Obey God

Fr. John Mary addresses the question of obedience to God vs. obedience to man.

00:00 Intro
02:38 1. Messages from God
06:04 2. Unprecedented Crisis
06:54 2.A. Warnings
08:23 2.B. Prophecies
09:15 2.C Our Current Message
12:08 2.D. Human Evidence
18:04 2.E. Extraordinary Measures Are Called for in a Time of Crisis
19:22 2.F. The Arian Crisis
21:39 3. Obedience to God and Human Authorities
James Manning
@English Catholic Good catch. Perhaps Don Gobbi has some valid points. I honestly don't know because I've never read his works.
We're living in very turbulent times. I can understand why people would be attracted to messages like this that provide certainty. And maybe there is something to them. It raises some good points and at least is self-aware enough to acknowledge that it's not in a great …More
@English Catholic Good catch. Perhaps Don Gobbi has some valid points. I honestly don't know because I've never read his works.

We're living in very turbulent times. I can understand why people would be attracted to messages like this that provide certainty. And maybe there is something to them. It raises some good points and at least is self-aware enough to acknowledge that it's not in a great position. But it's still very easy to get mislead even by people with the best of intentions.

I'm not going to condemn folks that give ear to (at least seemingly) orthodox messages that haven't been formally approved, as long as they don't let it interfere with the faith handed on to us by Christ through the Church. Private revelation is complemental to public revelation, not additive.
English Catholic
@James Manning I used to attend a Fatima rosary group years ago round a friend's home, and they were beautiful grace-filled evenings. Many happy memories. The only 'blot on the landscape' was that one lady attending insisted on reading out a section from Don Gobbi's books each week. I found the messages sensationalist, repetitive and not edifying in any way. And that was before I knew about the US …More
@James Manning I used to attend a Fatima rosary group years ago round a friend's home, and they were beautiful grace-filled evenings. Many happy memories. The only 'blot on the landscape' was that one lady attending insisted on reading out a section from Don Gobbi's books each week. I found the messages sensationalist, repetitive and not edifying in any way. And that was before I knew about the US Nuncio's statement. Don Gobbi was also a proponent of Medjugorje.

You stated "I'm not going to condemn folks that give ear to (at least seemingly) orthodox messages that haven't been formally approved, as long as they don't let it interfere with the faith handed on to us by Christ through the Church" But these new alleged messages are a game-changer. They are not just asking us to believe that Our Lady has appeared here or there. They are asking us to accept that Francis is not a valid Pope: a 'usurper'. So we either go along with them and believe that the Chair of Peter is currently vacant, or we reject them and deal with the fact that we have a troublesome and problematic Pope.
English Catholic
Oh dear. This priest mentioned Don Stefano Gobbi as a good example of prophecy. In 1994 the Apostolic Nuncio of the US wrote this: "As to the writings of Father Gobbi, competent authorities have advised that they are not words of Our Blessed Mother, but his private meditations for which he assumes all the theological, spiritual and pastoral responsibility." Library : Letter from US Nuncio on Fr. GobbiMore
Oh dear. This priest mentioned Don Stefano Gobbi as a good example of prophecy. In 1994 the Apostolic Nuncio of the US wrote this: "As to the writings of Father Gobbi, competent authorities have advised that they are not words of Our Blessed Mother, but his private meditations for which he assumes all the theological, spiritual and pastoral responsibility." Library : Letter from US Nuncio on Fr. Gobbi The Holy See also made Don Gobbi change the title of his books from 'Our Lady speaks to Her beloved priests' to 'To the priests, Our Lady's Beloved Sons'.
Fides Et Ratio
Maria delos Angeles
The Mother Superior in the convent where I was for 14 months was rather fond of us reading from the Blue Book, during recreations. I had already encountered the writings before entering the convent. I felt drawn to it, like it was drawing me, the messages of Fr Gobbi. Of course, true revelations will be opposed, but salus animarum suprema lex.
English Catholic
@Maria delos Angeles I'm quite sure you won't agree with any of this, but the late Rick Salbato RIP makes some very good points about the writings of Don Gobbi, which were Gobbi's own meditations and nothing more, according to the Holy See and the US Nuncio. RICHARD PAUL SALBATO
Maria delos Angeles
I found the messages, for what they were worth, @English Catholic tended to nourish my faith.. so far the bubble has not burst. Re-encountering the messages at the convent seemed like a positive confirmation. I probably would not agree with overall bent of the author you mention. I believe God leads people by different ways. You do need discernment. Maybe relying on ecclesiastical support or approval …More
I found the messages, for what they were worth, @English Catholic tended to nourish my faith.. so far the bubble has not burst. Re-encountering the messages at the convent seemed like a positive confirmation. I probably would not agree with overall bent of the author you mention. I believe God leads people by different ways. You do need discernment. Maybe relying on ecclesiastical support or approval nowadays is not the be all and end all. The end times of the Church will be a great mess; we will assuredly find out on the other side - what was real from what illusion.