PC in the Catholic Church

Photo ~ On May 2, 2004, at a Catholic parish in Menzingen, Switzerland, the pastor invited a gymnastics team to perform during Mass. In fact, they stood next to the altar as the Mass was said, above right. Then, the priest went to his side chair while the four athletes - two women and two men - showed their acrobatic abilities in front of the altar, left.

PC in the Catholic Church
Published August 22, 2002

In our new book Chris Ferrara and I list one case after another of bizarre, unheard-of novelties that have to be read to be believed but that are positively encouraged by the bishops. What, on the other hand, of the traditional Latin Mass that formed the piety of Catholic faithful for over 1500 years and to which the saints and pre-conciliar popes were so devoted?

Those bishops who do allow it in a parish or two often forbid any advertising and do nothing to encourage attendance. Charismatic hysteria, polka Masses, teen Masses — as long as no one had ever heard of it before 1965, the bishops promote it vigorously.

Just as in the secular culture, anything goes but tradition. Catholics have witnessed the emergence of post-conciliar correctness in the Church — the ecclesial analogue of political correctness.

In our book we make the case that this ecclesial version of PC has produced the greatest crisis in the Church's history.

The sheltering of homosexual priests by the bishops, who will not even consider following the Vatican's 1961 instruction barring the ordination of homosexuals, is but one result of PC at work in the Church.

The trumpeted "new springtime" of Vatican II — a phrase no one will ever be so foolish as to use again — has finally hit rock bottom. It is time for The Great Facade of novelty and innovation, corruption and laxity, finally to be torn down, and the Catholic Church as she was less than one human lifetime ago restored to health again.

Read more Here.
Because of the nearly universal popularity of reductionist thinking, I have taken to illuminating the fact that the 16 documents of the II Vatican Council are a different matter entirely from an imagined "spirit of Vatican II" anecdotally cited in an attempt to justify violence done to the holy Liturgy.
I have found that when you formulate the distinction between the 16 documents promulgated, …More
Because of the nearly universal popularity of reductionist thinking, I have taken to illuminating the fact that the 16 documents of the II Vatican Council are a different matter entirely from an imagined "spirit of Vatican II" anecdotally cited in an attempt to justify violence done to the holy Liturgy.

I have found that when you formulate the distinction between the 16 documents promulgated, and the frequently insane attempt at "application" of a disunderstanding of those 16 documents, you can help realize an 'a-hah" moment in the listener. At least you may raise their consciousness about the existence of such a distinction, most likely for the first time ever.
Ben Martin
Being Catholic does not mean we have to go to the lowest common denominator or be content with minimal requirements: that may only be reserved for extreme circumstances or rare events.
Our Job is to protect the Bride of Christ and bring the dignity of the Mass close to that of the Glory of God for all to see and hail here on earth. Not to work on loop holes that dream up exceptions and compromise—…More
Being Catholic does not mean we have to go to the lowest common denominator or be content with minimal requirements: that may only be reserved for extreme circumstances or rare events.

Our Job is to protect the Bride of Christ and bring the dignity of the Mass close to that of the Glory of God for all to see and hail here on earth. Not to work on loop holes that dream up exceptions and compromise—this is the work of Satan and has not place for God.

This is the destructive Spirits of V2 that causes some much harm. The point that one could even debate such a ridiculous sacrilege as being permissible is the spirit of modern liberalism that we see our secular world totally engulfed in flames with today. Why would we want to do the same with our own Catholic Faith? We are soldiers of Christ--not secular humanist looking for ways to say diversity is ok and should be accepted. This is the spirit of the devil.
. 😇
Gloria.TV – News Briefs
Sometimes News Briefs articles are derived from secular news sources and do not necessarily reflect the views of Gloria.TV.
A few posters at Gloria - upset by a particular news article - will then proceed to attack the title of the article, the date of publication of the article, the source of the article, the author of the article, the individual posting the article (me) or some other item that …More
Sometimes News Briefs articles are derived from secular news sources and do not necessarily reflect the views of Gloria.TV.

A few posters at Gloria - upset by a particular news article - will then proceed to attack the title of the article, the date of publication of the article, the source of the article, the author of the article, the individual posting the article (me) or some other item that they believe will challenge the points made in the article itself. Ad hominem

In fact, these comments do absolutely nothing to challenge the thrust of the article.

If you believe a given article is in error, make counter arguments. Most importantly, restrict your comments to the statements contained in the news article. Even when an article is critical of the Church (or clerics within the Church), avoid making non-substantive remarks that are lacking in solid reasoning and do nothing to counter the points made in the posted article.

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A. Principe
To F Loughman - You sir don't get it. I don't care which rite of the Roman Mass you prefer. These cheap trick at Mass are a sacriledge, an affront to God and to each and every person in the church. It is an outright defiance of what our church believes, so I would guess that if you were in Jerusalem in 33 a.d. and this took place at the foot of the cross you'd be fine with it! These show tricks …More
To F Loughman - You sir don't get it. I don't care which rite of the Roman Mass you prefer. These cheap trick at Mass are a sacriledge, an affront to God and to each and every person in the church. It is an outright defiance of what our church believes, so I would guess that if you were in Jerusalem in 33 a.d. and this took place at the foot of the cross you'd be fine with it! These show tricks place within the context of the Sacred Liturgy. We are again at calvary when we go to mass and not inside a circus ten! It was one these idiotic masses while I was in the seminary that definitely had an impact on my decision to leave, another was when during 40 hours the rector, Msgr X came in the chapel drunk and smoking a cigar in front of the Exposed Blessed Sacrament and proceeded to trip over the front pew hurting himself.

This priest needs censured for trying this. Attemoting to trivialize mass for the youth is only going to driv them away thinking the church why go I can see better at the circus.
Demand the traditional Latin Mass! These novus ordo modernists hate the Church's traditions and have spread their poison throughout our churches. Traditional Latin Mass....the True Mass!!
Ben Martin
A little Theology of the Body (TOB) during Mass!!
What is wrong with that?
Christopher West would be proud!! 👏More
A little Theology of the Body (TOB) during Mass!!

What is wrong with that?

Christopher West would be proud!! 👏