Heart-Wrenching Image: Dog Keeps Watch Over Fallen SEAL’s Casket During Funeral

Heart-Wrenching Image: Dog Keeps Watch Over Fallen SEAL’s Casket During Funeral


Petty Officer Jon T. Tumilson was laid to rest Friday in Rockford, Iowa, where an estimated 1,500 mourners came to pay respects for the fallen Navy SEAL, including his dog Hawkeye. In fact, Hakeye’s loyalty to his owner at the funeral was visible, creating a heart-wrenching image as he laid down by the casket of his owner during the entire service:

he 35-year-old Tumilson died Aug. 6, when a rocket-propelled grenade disabled the helicopter he was in. It crashed, killing 30 Americans and eight Afghans. He was posthumously awarded the Purple Heart and Defense Meritorious Service Medal.

25 August 2011
St. Louis of France