Friday abstinence from meat to return in U.S.?

Friday abstinence from meat to return in U.S.?
Thanks to HolyRope for submitting this news article.

Timothy Cardinal Dolan, as president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, spoke yesterday to his brother bishops in America.

"The work of our Conference during the coming year includes reflections on re-embracing Friday as a particular day of penance, including the possible re-institution of abstinence on all Fridays of the year, not just during Lent."

The speech by Cardinal Dolan is not the first time the USCCB president has mentioned Friday abstinence (in blog posts, he has also cited Ember Days, Lenten fasting and feast day vigils).

Rorate Caeli
Pia Piissima
@wirewrapper you are surely right! Catholics must make penance not only for the forgiveness of their own sins, but also of the others.
And I also agree that our joy about the decisions of our dear bishops should not be to fast: their initiatives are good, but the implementation usually hobbles... 🙄
I think this is a step in the right direction. I feel that is should be a little bit more and maybe make it only bread and water on fridays to make up for how bad it really is in the USA. But knowing how Cardinal Dolan is and knowing that all people have two feet, this step will only be tripped up by another step by the opposite foot in the opposite direction....
Pia Piissima
@News Briefs: "THIS is what the Church leaders are concerning themselves with? Obama is marginalizing them, stripping away their rights, the flock is wandering astray, babies continue to be slaughtered at a horrifying rate....and they’re obsessing over the Friday dinner menu?"
News Briefs, I must say I agree with you.
Making penance on Friday is an important thing. But it is certainly not the most …More
@News Briefs: "THIS is what the Church leaders are concerning themselves with? Obama is marginalizing them, stripping away their rights, the flock is wandering astray, babies continue to be slaughtered at a horrifying rate....and they’re obsessing over the Friday dinner menu?"

News Briefs, I must say I agree with you.
Making penance on Friday is an important thing. But it is certainly not the most important thing now, when the "Church is burning". 🤨
In my opinion, if one starts to live a serious Catholic live, he will automatically keep the Fridays.
So the important thing is the order in which we start to work on our spiritual life 😎
Dolan is a neocon.
Gloria.TV – News Briefs
If no meat on Fridays "returns" it will only serve to further the legion of poorly or no catechetized Vatican 2 Catholics. These ones know nothing of their faith nor do they appear to care at all based on their recent voting record.
As I think more about this initiative by the US Bishops I think it's pretty much re arranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

If no meat on Fridays "returns" it will only serve to further the legion of poorly or no catechetized Vatican 2 Catholics. These ones know nothing of their faith nor do they appear to care at all based on their recent voting record.

As I think more about this initiative by the US Bishops I think it's pretty much re arranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

As a post Vatican 2 Catholic born in 1972, can anyone tell me what motivated Church fathers to undertake this disaster in 1962?

The more I research the catastrophic declines in vocations, mass attendance, donations, etc. the more I'm convinced V2 will be judged by history as gigantic mistake.

But seriously....THIS is what the Church leaders are concerning themselves with? Obama is marginalizing them, stripping away their rights, the flock is wandering astray, babies continue to be slaughtered at a horrifying rate....and they’re obsessing over the Friday dinner menu?

I think the problem is pretty clear here.

Growing up in then-Catholic Spain, I was taught that we were exempted from meatless Fridays (except during Lent) because of whatever contribution Spain made to some Crusade or another.

It didn’t seem fair, but given that I hate fish, I never argued. I was in my early teens when I went to spend the Holy Week at my grandfather’s farm. I don’t remember if I was old enough to fast, but I do remember my grandmother proudly serving me a platter of my favorite seafood.

I was shocked! I mean, that might have followed the letter of the law, but even a young girl like me could see that it didn’t go any farther. Not knowing what to do I ran from the house, got on my horse and disappeared until way after dark, when the cold brought me back to the house. I can see now how I hurt my grandmother’s feelings, and scared her half to death... I think that abstinence from meat is pointless UNLESS the people are educated about the reason behind doing it.