
700+ Years in the Grave and Still Alive

1308 - 8th November - 2008

The tomb of Blessed John Duns Scotus in the church of the Conventual friars in Cologne
The 8th November 2008 marked the exact seventh centenary of the death of Blessed John Duns Soctus, one of the most outstanding and influential thinkers of medieval and indeed of all times. His subtle thought lives on today in the universally accepted formulations of Catholic doctrine. He was Franciscan through and through and may be regarded as giving theological precision to the spirituality and outlook of Saint Francis of Assisi, his master.
An Apostolic Letter was sent by Pope Benedict XVI on the 8th November 2008 to the International Congress held in Cologne marking the centenary, which you can read by clicking on the following link:…/scotus-centenar…