Catholic FC

Who Is Henry Edward Cardinal Manning?

This man, a Cardinal for the Church, a convert from High Church Anglican was:

1. He mastered classical studies in Oxford

2. While as Curate as an Anglican Priest, he married the third daughter of the rector and actual Curate that Manning filled in for when Rector Reverend John Sargent fell ill and soon died, Henry married Caroline Sargent, whom died in July 1837, so he was a widower.

3. His wife helped him get ready to enter into the Catholic Church, it says, " In November of the same year he married Caroline Sargent, the third daughter of his predecessor in the incumbency. His marriage may be said to have had some part, however indirectly, in leading him into the Catholic Church, for it brought him into a family circle that was destined to be strongly affected by the rising Romeward movement." Catholic Encyclopedia Henry Edward Manning

4. Zealous For Souls: " In his country parish at Lavington, though Henry Manning had not yet attained to the fullness of the Faith, nor as yet received the sacramental grace and the spiritual powers of the Catholic pastor, he was already, according to the light so far vouchsafed him, serving his Divine master and labouring for the salvation of souls in a true spirit of zeal and generous self-sacrifice, in the spirit that speaks in later days from the pages of his "Eternal Priesthood" and his "Pastoral Office". Catholic Encyclopedia Henry Edward Manning

5. Helping Of The Poor and Fighting Abuses In The Church, " In 1841, after some years of simple parish work, a wider field was opened to him by his appointment to the office of Archdeacon of Chichester. The office in his case was assuredly no sinecure. The volume of charges delivered on the periodical visitations of the archdeaconry remains to show the intelligent and tireless zeal with which he entered into these new duties. Here also we may find some things that seem to foreshadow his larger work in later years, notably the pages that bear witness to his love for God's poor, his resolute resistance to wrong, and his zeal for reforming abuses. Meanwhile, all this active work was accompanied by a corresponding growth in the knowledge of Catholic truth." Catholic Encyclopedia Henry Edward Manning

6. Defender Of The Doctrines Of The Church, " This, it may be said, is at once his leading idea in his Anglican sermons, his main motive at the time of his conversion and in the course he took in the Vatican Council, and it forms the favourite theme in his later spiritual and theological writings. At first, like other Anglican divines, he was able to satisfy himself that the Church of England was a part of the one Holy Catholic Apostolic Church of the Creed, and as such was guided and quickened by the presence of the Holy Spirit. For this reason he looked to the Church to guard and cherish the revealed doctrines committed, as he supposed, to her care." Catholic Encyclopedia Henry Edward Manning

7. Devoted To Blessed Pope Pius IX " In June, 1850, he wrote from Lavington to his sister, Mrs. Austen: "Let me tell you to believe nothing of me but what comes from me. The world has sent me long ago to Pius IX, but I am still here, and if I may lay my bones under the sod in Lavington Churchyard with a soul clear before God, all the world could not move me." Catholic Encyclopedia Henry Edward Manning

8. Hand Picked to Replace The Bishop Of Westminster by Blessed Pope Pius IX " As the Holy See could hardly accept such a reversal of the decision made a few years before, it was inevitable that the names should be set aside; and the pope himself decided to appoint Mgr. Manning. While the matter still hung in the balance, Manning endeavoured to secure the appointment of another, and, in a confidential letter to Mgr. George Talbot in Rome, urged the claims of Bishop Ullathorne and Bishop Cornthwaite. From resolutions which he made as to his future conduct towards the coming archbishop it is clear that he did not anticipate his own appointment." Catholic Encyclopedia Henry Edward Manning

9. Promoter Of Catholic Education Of The Poor Catholic Children Of London " In 1868 he was able to secure a site, but in after years a more favourable one was determined on. His efforts to procure education for the poor Catholic children of London were unceasing; and in his Lenten Pastoral of 1890 he was able to say that the names of 23,599 Catholic children were on the books of his parochial schools, and that during the previous quarter of a century 4542 children had been provided for in the homes of the archdiocese." Catholic Encyclopedia Henry Edward Manning

10. Defender Of Papal Infallibility in his work The True Story Of The Vatican Council, " On his return to England, Manning protested in the press against the charges made by Mr. Gladstone against Catholics who accepted the Vatican Decrees, and his three pastoral letters published under the title "Petri Privilegium" did much to remove prejudice and misconception even among Catholics. In 1878 his "True Story of the Vatican Council" appeared in "The Nineteenth Century" in reply to incorrect statements that had obtained credence." Catholic Encyclopedia Henry Edward Manning
11. Was Made Cardinal in 1875 and Took part in the Conclave that elected Pope Leo XIII and he even received two votes. " In 1875 he was summoned to Rome to receive the cardinalate and the title of Sts. Andrew and Gregory, the church on the Coelian, once the home of St. Gregory the Great, whence St. Augustine and his companions had been sent to convert England. In 1878 Cardinal Manning took part in the conclave that elected Leo XIII, receiving a vote or two himself in the scrutiny; and Pope Leo's encyclical "On the condition of labour", to use the words of Bishop Hedley, "owes something to the counsels of Cardinal Manning." Catholic Encyclopedia Henry Edward Manning

12. Helper of the Poor and Outcast, Made Sure Everyone Received An Elementary Religious Education and Helped End the London Dock Strike in 1889 " To his zeal in the cause of elementary religious education, Cardinal Manning's later years saw added his efforts on behalf of the poor and outcast. He was invited to join the commission for the better housing of the working classes, he founded his League of the Cross for the promotion of temperance, and the "Cardinal's Peace" recalls the success of his efforts at mediation between the strikers and their employers at the time of the great London Dock Strike in 1889. Such are some of the salient works of Manning's life. And it may be remarked that while any one of these various lines of activity might have been enough, or more than enough for any ordinary man, all of them together by no means make up the whole life work of Cardinal Manning. Besides these special theological, literary, or social labours, there remain his ordinary pastoral activities." Catholic Encyclopedia Henry Edward Manning

He deserves to be Canonized, but not by this bunch in the Vatican, they would twist and turn everything good he did as something to do with Socialism and Liberation Theology, as they twisted John Henry Newman and then Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen when his cause was stopped. Henry Edward Cardinal Manning is like Saint John Vianney with the care and zealous love of souls and hours in the Confessional, helping the children get education, then he is like the Great Fathers of the Church who are called Confessors, defending the Faith. He would also be a great Patron Saint for Widowers, men whose wives had died.

Private Use Prayer, Not For Public Use:

Jesus, we come to you and ask you, to open up the cause for Sainthood for Henry Edward Cardinal Manning, he defended the Faith, Wrote well of you and the Church, helped to save countless souls in Confession, made sure to get everyone a basic religious education, and also to help the poor children of London and the poor in general, as his counter part, Saint John Henry Cardinal Newman. The Church, Your Bride, Needs him again, so we ask our petition through his intercession to Your Sacred Heart, which he was devoted to. Amen.

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