What does a virus actually look like? This is the first time you can see real (flash-frozen) coronavirus in 3D. Viruses are very small. One thousand of them lined up next to each other would be as …More
What does a virus actually look like?

This is the first time you can see real (flash-frozen) coronavirus in 3D.

Viruses are very small. One thousand of them lined up next to each other would be as thick as a single hair. When scientists look for ways how to fight a virus, they use detailed 3D models. But can we see a virus for real? With cryo-em tomography and the visualization technology developed at nanographics, we can!

Cryo-EM tomography data is pretty noisy, but that didn't stop us. We used machine learning and advanced visualization algorithms to show you the most detailed view of a real SARS-CoV-2 virion, in 3D, directly from the electron microscopy scans.


Cryo-electron tomography data was provided by Sai Li, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. Their research about the molecular architecture of SARS-CoV-2 has been published here (the data figures in the video were also adapted from this paper):

Segmentation of the data was done by Nanovisualization Research Group at KAUST led by Ivan Viola:

SARS-CoV-2 molecular model:

Paper describing how the model was made:

Online version of the model + high resolution images:

Programming and music by Peter Mindek