Things To Contemplate
The Pope can not be a modernist. Modernism is the synthesis of all heresies. The Pope can not be a heretic, he is infallible. I feel so much more at peace now that I have fully embraced the logic of sedevacantism. No more cognitive dissonance. No more listening to all the Monday morning quarterbacks deciding what's good and what's bad coming from Rome. The Catholic Church exists. It is the perfect …More
The Pope can not be a modernist. Modernism is the synthesis of all heresies. The Pope can not be a heretic, he is infallible. I feel so much more at peace now that I have fully embraced the logic of sedevacantism. No more cognitive dissonance. No more listening to all the Monday morning quarterbacks deciding what's good and what's bad coming from Rome. The Catholic Church exists. It is the perfect Bride of Christ without stain or error. The Catholic Church has an earthly Vicar, the Pope. Currently, and since Vatican II the Throne of Peter has been vacant. Hopefully, God will someday give us a true shepherd again. Until such time, those who hold to the true Faith are the Catholic Church, wherever they may be.
Damian Keller
@spinmeister , however what you're saying contradicts what Our Lady of LaSalette said, "The will be *two* worm ridden popes". This is the problem with the sedevacantist various positions on who was and is not "pope". I take Our Blessed Mother at her word as she would not lie to us. Not at LaSalette, nor Fatima nor Akita.
You are not under obligation to believe private revelation. You are obliged to believe the doctrines of the Church. It is a doctrine that the Pope is infallible and the Church is infallible and indefectible.
Damian Keller
@spinmeister, Fatima was not private revelation. It came with a public approval from God. You put yourself at risk in making yourself the arbiter of Our Blessed Mother's warnings.
Anything that is not from Scripture is a private revelation. Fatima is a private revelation. You don't speak for God or Mary.
Damian Keller
Okay. Going with that line of thought, do you pray the rosary? Wear a brown scapular? Do any other devotions? If your answer is "yes" then you are agreeing with a private revelation. The Church also categorized the apparitions not only as "worthy of belief" but also as "proven supernatural" which such judgement was made before V2. Would you say that is heretical? The problem with Sede positions.
The Pope is infallible.
The man sitting on the Throne of Peter has erred.
He can not be the Pope.
Nothing that you have said has anything to do with Catholicism or Sedevacantism. It's just nonsense and I won't respond to you again.
Damian Keller
You didn't answer my questions. Both the rosary and the brown scapular, along with devotions to the Immaculate and Sacred Hearts were from private revelations. If you say that "you are under no obligation to believe private revelation", however, if you use these things for the salvation of your soul, you contradict yourself in saying what the Church declared is wrong concerning Quito, LaSalette, …More
You didn't answer my questions. Both the rosary and the brown scapular, along with devotions to the Immaculate and Sacred Hearts were from private revelations. If you say that "you are under no obligation to believe private revelation", however, if you use these things for the salvation of your soul, you contradict yourself in saying what the Church declared is wrong concerning Quito, LaSalette, Fatima and Akita. This is what I point out as erroneous in sede positions. I'd even go so far to say the devil agrees with your position.