A Half Century of Ecclesial Chaos

Photo ~ Rabbi Heschel and Cardinal Bea worked together on Catholic-Jewish relations. Bea was a German and Old Testament scholar who had witnessed the effects of the Holocaust and headed the Church's efforts to reconcile Jews during at the Second Vatican Council. (Courtesy: American Jewish Committee)

A Half Century of Ecclesial Chaos
(Vatican II to Turn 50)
POSTED: Tuesday, March 03, 2009

A key feature of the Second Vatican Council was its unprecedented suggestion of the idea that all other religions are more or less different branches of the same Universal Church of Christ.

To actually assert this would have been heretical, of course; but the insinuation seems to have been engendered by the presence of Protestant delegates who were invited to the Council as consultants on matters of liturgy and doctrine (Michael Davies, Pope John's Council, 1977). Their names for the record were: Canon Jasper, Dr. McAfee Brown, Professor George Lindbeck, Professor Oscar Cullman, Pastor Rodger Schutz, and Archdeacon Pawley (among others).

Unfortunately, these emissaries of false religions played a significant role in shaping various aspects of at least some of the Council documents. Augustine Cardinal Bea, who headed up the Secretariat for the Promotion of Christian Unity, boasted of the contribution made by the Protestant envoys in formulating the Council's decree on Ecumenism, for example. "I do not hesitate to assert that they have contributed in a decisive way to bringing about this result."

So with the 50th Anniversary of Vatican II approaching this October 11, it behooves the Catholic hierarchy to take a second look at the Council and how it was used by the enemies of religion to steer the Barque of Peter onto a new and destructive course.

The Council was convoked with good intent, but the doors were opened to outsiders and those alien to the Faith, and because the Council was not dogmatic in nature it left an opening for these agents to plant their doctrinal and liturgical time bombs into the Council documents.

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It would have been better for the Councul not to have been convened. There may have been things that needed to be changed, so to say. But things being as they are now, the baby was emptied out with the bathwater, so that the filthy water may flow....the baby meaning the Holy Church. I believe John XXIII later realized the destructive and disastrous consequences that were beginning to take place. …More
It would have been better for the Councul not to have been convened. There may have been things that needed to be changed, so to say. But things being as they are now, the baby was emptied out with the bathwater, so that the filthy water may flow....the baby meaning the Holy Church. I believe John XXIII later realized the destructive and disastrous consequences that were beginning to take place. How would he know that later some deceitful and bad cardinals would snatch the scepter from his hand and revolutionize and pervert everything in such a dreadful way....Today, the bishops fear each other. Each are afraid of the people, afraid of being shaken off by them. Each one wants to please the people, to dance to their tune, however wrong they are. They are so out of tune that no true music can come from them. And this calls itself the Church!