Very Important Message of Our Lady 16/03/11 given at Borg in Nadur Malta. (P320) Message of 16th March 2011 , given at Borg in-Nadur My dear children and my children – the ones of my heart! This is …More
Very Important Message of Our Lady 16/03/11 given at Borg in Nadur Malta.

(P320) Message of 16th March 2011
, given at Borg in-Nadur

My dear children and my children – the ones of my heart! This is for Fr Hayden and Fr David to pass on to the people.

My children, were not the prophets much spoken of? Were they not assiduous at preparing the way for my Son Jesus? Were they not intent on delivering messages to the Jewish people? At times they were derided, made fun of and even killed. Indeed my children, it is just like the other time when I mentioned Noah to you. Were they to see you building that large arc nowadays, how they would jeer at you and insult you! They would say: “They are insane!” Yes, this is what they would say. Noah was obedient. He obeyed. He obeyed the message given to him by God.

My children, Heaven is sending prophets nowadays too. Indeed, my children, I tell you once again, Heaven is sending these prophets to you, that you might listen to them. Pay attention to them, my children. Pay attention to the messages they give you. Pay attention to my messages. Pay attention to the Word of God. And pay attention to the Eucharist, my children. These are today’s messages, my children, but you are paying little attention to them.

You will soon have to make use of Noah’s arc, soon enough. Thick cloud is gathering over Europe, my children. It is rushing in. Have a look at what is happening in other countries, my children. Are you not realizing? You too are in the world, just as these others – just the same. You will soon experience quaking all around you. Yes, my children, soon. The Church too, my children, must experience the quaking – or rather go through an earthquake within itself.

You must change, my children. Indeed, my children, do not yourselves cause your country to get into trouble. Be constant in your speech. Take your decision yourselves and do not allow others to decide on your behalf. This is one of the earthquakes that will come about on this island. It will shake this island. My children, I ask you, push these things far away from you. Keep them far off from you by means of the prayer of the rosary.

I have lost my voice and tired myself out walking your streets. Say the rosary, my children. Say the rosary and get others to say the rosary. The rosary is the shield against these things. The rosary brings peace to families. Say the rosary and get others to say the rosary.

Thank you for having listened to my call.