

Why, oh why you have deserted the Lord? You who swore to drink the chalice of suffering upon your ordination… Why turn your back on Him who lives forever. He who was the same yesterday, but you chose the “realities” of today, He was the same yesterday for sure, hasn’t change today and He will be forever the same, but again, you… His priests chose the reality the world was offering.

Priests who embrace live and let live, one of the cores thinkings of the evil one, yes… live and let live while the wicked prays on them one by one. Priests who chose to establishing friendship with all, while the Lord never and ever establish that in His mandates: priests who should be friends with those who don’t want to abandon their grave sin.

Divine Mercy sure attracts any soul and when I say ANY soul, I also speak of those who are damned, even demons would desire such Mercy for them, but do know their time has long passed them by, those who embrace anything apart from His commands, they have doomed their eternity after entering Judgment.

Demons did do a number to the Church, when she through weak priests allowed the Eucharist to fall into the hands of those who weren’t chose to hold such Treasure, then, the newness came to establish a new passion upon the Lord, now… the chaff feels emboldened, dark men who embraced holy orders are cheering the “realities” of today as something God wants and cherish deeply.

Woe to you wicked priests, many who prefer to study the numbers than His commandments, who prefer to create “friendship” with the wicked, while the wicked won’t abandon or repent their sweet but poisonous sins.

Why... oh why won’t you open your eyes? Why do you think they go to great lengths to ensure other religion DONT hear the good news of Jesus… Why do you think they prefer to bend their knees and kiss the feet of men instead of kneeling in front of the Lord? Why do you think they make gigantic efforts for you to bless what the Lord sees as an abomination? They twist everything with their words and apply ambiguity to explain their reasoning…

God won’t be mocked; He has seen this before the very creation of men as He is God, He loves the sinner sure, but won’t celebrate sin as you are doing with your many efforts or omission, as you swore to put light in darkness instead you didn’t want to spark a little light out of fear, or laziness.

God wanted you to spread the Gospel, anyone who would believe would be save and anyone who wouldn’t believe condemned themselves He said, but you chose to befriend those who wouldn’t while none of them would convert.

Jesus called the pharisees sons of the devil and liars, beat down with a whip those who wouldn’t show respect to Almighty Father inside the Temple, did He befriend them before crucifixion? Despite, sure, He forgave them as they didn’t know what they were doing, but… were they saved in the end? Only the Lord knows who repents in time and who doesn’t, as we even in the very cusp of death we still have time, like the good thief.

Open your eyes my lovely ones… why give what’s sacred to those who won’t repent, why spend all this energy by the Top to stop evangelizing any religion in the Name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit, why fight the entire Church to give blessings to people who are in a wicked union? Why? Destroyers needs to destroy, they use obedience as their tool to destroy, why would a soldier obey killing a town knowing well that’s not good.

Obeying darkness is not obeying God, people should know, priests should know, proclaiming the beauty and truth of Jesus Gospel would gain you enemies, the whole world would hate you, but if you embrace a lie or choose omission, then the world would celebrate you, like they are doing with most of you wicked and foolish priests whom have turned their backs on God and face the world with a smile.

Oh, sweet priests! Those who have the innocence of child when they smile as Jesus is with them, those who do their Lord’s will, those who run straight forward martyrdom and shout from the roof tops: ONLY though Jesus, the Father is revealed, only in Him, there is salvation. Alleluia.

Open your eyes, apostasy is already here, remain faithful, being Catholic is also to suffer like our Lord.

A big hug in Jesus Christ.