Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity (November 8 and 9) Memorial 9 November Profile Daughter of Captain Joseph Catez and Marie Catez. Her father died when the girl was seven, leaving her mother to raise …More
Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity (November 8 and 9)


9 November

Daughter of Captain Joseph Catez and Marie Catez. Her father died when the girl was seven, leaving her mother to raise Elizabeth and her sister Marguerite. Noted as a lively, popular girl, extremely stubborn, given to fits of rage, with great reverence for God, and an early attraction to a life of prayer and reflection. Gifted pianist. She visited the sick and taught catechism to children.
Much against her mother‘s wishes, she entered the Discalced Carmelite monastery in Dijon, France on 2 August 1901. Though noted for great spiritual growth, she was also plagued with periods of powerful darkness, and her spiritual director expressed doubts over Elizabeth’s vocation. She completed her noviate, and took her final vows on 11 January 1903. She became a spiritual director for many, and left a legacy of letters and retreat guides. Her dying words: I am going to Light, to Love, to Life!

Sunday 18 July 1880 in a military camp in the diocese of Bourges, France as Elizabeth Catez

9 November 1906 at Dijon, Côte-d’Or, France of Addison’s disease, a hormone disorder whose side effects are painful and exhausting

12 July 1982 by Pope John Paul II (decree of heroic virtues)

25 November 1984 by Pope John Paul II

against bodily ills
against the death of parents
against illness
against sickness
sick people

Additional Information

Prayer to the Trinity, by Blessed Elizabeth
✍️ Prière pour demander la canonisation
Depuis décembre 2013, le Procès sur le miracle en vue de la canonisation d'Elisabeth de la Trinité est en cours d'examen à Rome à la Congrégation pour la Cause des Saints. Nous vous invitons à prier avec tous ceux qui souhaitent le voir aboutir rapidement afin de mieux faire connaître le message d'Elisabeth et que son rayonnement s'étende encore plus …More
✍️ Prière pour demander la canonisation

Depuis décembre 2013, le Procès sur le miracle en vue de la canonisation d'Elisabeth de la Trinité est en cours d'examen à Rome à la Congrégation pour la Cause des Saints. Nous vous invitons à prier avec tous ceux qui souhaitent le voir aboutir rapidement afin de mieux faire connaître le message d'Elisabeth et que son rayonnement s'étende encore plus dans le monde entier.
Dieu tout Amour, Père, Fils et Esprit-Saint,
Tu as découvert à la Bienheureuse Elisabeth de la Trinité
le mystère de ta Présence au plus profond de son cœur,
et cette intimité avec « ses Trois » a été le beau soleil irradiant sa vie.

Par sa prière ardente,
elle s’est tenue comme un petit vase à la Source,
à la Fontaine de vie,
afin de laisser déborder sur le monde ses flots de charité infinie.

Dans les épreuves et la souffrance,
elle a voulu communier à ton amour Sauveur
et offrir sa vie avec joie pour la louange de ta gloire,
pour l’Eglise et pour le salut de tous.

Afin que son rayonnement ne cesse de grandir,
daigne nous accorder, si telle est ta volonté,
la grâce de sa canonisation,
pour qu’elle partage à beaucoup la joie d’entrer dans ton Mystère :

« La Trinité, voilà notre demeure,
notre "chez nous", la maison paternelle
d’où nous ne devons jamais sortir ! » Amen.

✍️ God, who are All Love, Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
You revealed to Blessed Elisabeth of the Trinity
the mystery of your Presence in the depths of her heart,
And this intimacy with “her Three”
was the beautiful sun illuminating her life.
Through ardent prayer,
She kept herself like a little vase at the Source,
at the Fountain of Life
Pouring its flows of infinite charity onto the world.
In her …More
✍️ God, who are All Love, Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
You revealed to Blessed Elisabeth of the Trinity
the mystery of your Presence in the depths of her heart,
And this intimacy with “her Three”
was the beautiful sun illuminating her life.

Through ardent prayer,
She kept herself like a little vase at the Source,
at the Fountain of Life
Pouring its flows of infinite charity onto the world.

In her trials and sufferings, she wanted to join herself
to Your Saving Love
and offer her life with joy for the praise of your glory,
for the Church and for the salvation of all.

So, to ensure that the radiance of her life keeps expanding
Grant us, if it be Your Will,
the grace of her canonization,
So that she can share with many, the joy of entering
into Your Mystery :

“The Trinity, this is our dwelling,
our “home”, the Father’s house that you must never leave!”.
