
Latest False Prophet Message- Yeshua Ben Joseph

TradCatKnight: Latest False Prophet Message- Yeshua Ben Joseph

AKA the "Master Jesus"
As I have been warning you all for years now, the enemy will use the scapegoat of war and terrorism as a means to build the formal One World Religion. Do we not see Francis and Vatican pushing this false peace? It is all a setup and planned LONG in advance. Francis is a new world order puppet, a modernist antichrist who is a forerunner to the Antichrist himself. They republished this message from 2004 recently so it seems world war 3 is on the horizon. Antipope Francis should soon "resign" or step the side to give way to the "Master Jesus" also known as Yeshua Ben Joseph. He is the false prophet who is the setup man for the false New Age "messiah" Maitreya. Pope Benedict XVI seemingly will flee Rome soon with some cardinals and the world goes dark. Pay attention to the verbiage, "sharing" , coming from the Vatican and Francis this is the new age's call to socialism. Better pray your rosary the midnight approaches...…/latest-false-pr…