Rotate Caeli blog posted today a piece by a "Traditional Priest." In the article the priest makes this statement: "This accounts for the diabolical hatred that the True Mass has encountered for 60 …More
Rotate Caeli blog posted today a piece by a "Traditional Priest." In the article the priest makes this statement: "This accounts for the diabolical hatred that the True Mass has encountered for 60 years."

Please, please, ye of a reasonable mind, Is the only "True Mass" (Holy Sacrifice) the pre Conciliar Roman Rite? There are currently at least 22 Canonical Rites of the Holy Sacrifice in the Catholic Church today. Are they all False? There is NO "True Mass" in these Rites? Is the new dogma: "There is No Salvation Outside the pre Conciliar Roman Rite?"

Please, please, stop, take a deep breath and THINK (reason) out what you read is "True." Stop allowing passion to blind your reason.
Faith In The Ruins
As a Roman rite priest, he's speaking in the context of the Roman rite. He's not disavowing the various western and eastern liturgies. Don't be pedantic.
Signed, Someone who tends to get pedantic regarding special interests. Trust me, even though you're right, no one cares, and eventually they stop listening all together.More
As a Roman rite priest, he's speaking in the context of the Roman rite. He's not disavowing the various western and eastern liturgies. Don't be pedantic.

Signed, Someone who tends to get pedantic regarding special interests. Trust me, even though you're right, no one cares, and eventually they stop listening all together.
Anthony November
Most I’ve met who adhere to the traditional Roman Rite acknowledge other legitimate rites. What they rail against is the corruption and perversion of their Roman Rite.
I’d wager that most who regularly attend a Novus Ordo mass don’t know what the basic purpose of the Mass is.
The most common answer I’ve heard from sincere Catholics is “to receive Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.”
The liturgy of …More
Most I’ve met who adhere to the traditional Roman Rite acknowledge other legitimate rites. What they rail against is the corruption and perversion of their Roman Rite.

I’d wager that most who regularly attend a Novus Ordo mass don’t know what the basic purpose of the Mass is.
The most common answer I’ve heard from sincere Catholics is “to receive Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.”

The liturgy of the Novus Ordo obscures the most important aspect of the mass, i.e. The oblation of Christ (and ourselves) to God the Father in humble adoration, in atonement our sins, in thanksgiving for His gifts, and in petition for his graces.

Why would anyone stand for a liturgy that offered them less?

So yes. The traditional mass is the true mass. It always has been.
Does Transubstantiation occur in the Novus Ordo Rite, offered as written?
Anthony November
Sure, if form matter and intention are all correct.
What/Who could be "Truer" than Jesus Christ!? In this sense, The Most Essential (The Confection of The Sacrament) both forms are 100% equal.
Anthony November
Yes I used to make that argument myself until someone challenged me with the following:
Suppose a priest, said an “LGBTQ mass” atop a rainbow altar. He would confect the Eucharist, but It would be sacrilegious and not pleasing to God. Or take for example (God forbid) a black mass, where a priest performs a desecration of a Host he himself consecrates.
Both of these examples illustrate that just …More
Yes I used to make that argument myself until someone challenged me with the following:
Suppose a priest, said an “LGBTQ mass” atop a rainbow altar. He would confect the Eucharist, but It would be sacrilegious and not pleasing to God. Or take for example (God forbid) a black mass, where a priest performs a desecration of a Host he himself consecrates.
Both of these examples illustrate that just because Christ is made present under the appearance of bread and wine doesn’t mean that people attending that mass are going to derive grace from it. And the “liturgies” would certainly not be equal to one another just because consecration takes place.
Even if you had well intending individuals (for example attending an lgbt mass), they might (MIGHT) benefit on a subjective level that only God can judge but Objectively they attend an illicit or blasphemous mass.

Where I’ve seen a lot of Catholics go wrong is here: The point of the mass is not receiving Holy Communion. It isn’t making bread and wine into the body and blood of Jesus so we can receive Him. (Incidentally that was taught to me from a ripe age) The point of the mass is the re-presentation of the perfect sacrifice of Christ to the Father. All of the benefits of the mass flow from this reality.

The point of liturgy, then, would be to transmit this reality to the faithful in all of its prayers and actions.

In my experience, The Novus Ordo falls woefully short here- Even leading others to a wrong understanding of the mysteries. At worst, some Novus Ordos are completely invalid because priests have taken liberties with the words or the matter of the sacrament itself.

Anyhow. God bless. Keep mulling these things over in your head and pray about them. God is permitting us to endure a lot of confusion. So it takes hard work to discover the truth amidst such confusion. God knows I don’t have all or even many of the answers. Pray for me a sinner.
Thanks for the response. I think you are severely overthinking things. Like St. Therese, pray for the Grace to "keep it simple." Yes, we are all sinners and need prayers...PAX