BEWARE! Facebook: Dangerous to Your Personal Privacy and Safety. USING FACEBOOK IS DANGEROUS TO YOUR PERSONAL PRIVACY AND SAFETY. Do you know who is viewing and using the information you post on Facebook …More
BEWARE! Facebook: Dangerous to Your Personal Privacy and Safety.

USING FACEBOOK IS DANGEROUS TO YOUR PERSONAL PRIVACY AND SAFETY. Do you know who is viewing and using the information you post on Facebook? Do you know what use these individuals or government agencies will give your Facebook information? Would you share personal and private information about yourself and your loved ones with total strangers? Are you aware that this is exactly what you are doing when you post information on Facebook? Did you know that Facebook is under the control and management of anti-Christian partisans of the Aberrosexualist ideology that pushes on society biologically aberrant sexual behavior and practices? ALL pages and comments posted on Facebook expressing the Christian position on biologically aberrant sexual behavior and practices, i.e., aberrosexualism, are arbitrarily censored and deleted! REMEMBER: YOU LOSE ALL CONTROL AND OWNERSHIP OF THE INFORMATION YOU POST ON FACEBOOK. Using and posting on Facebook is dangerous to your personal privacy and safety. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Join Una Voce Miami! Enjoy the video. Recommend it to your family and friends. Courtesy of Una Voce Miami, POB 350372, Jose Marti Station, Miami, FL 33135-0372 // unavocemiami@aol.com