
Forgive me Bergoglio

I know nothing at all, I admit that, I live my Catholicism according to my past, with the Holy Spirit today and waiting for Jesus tomorrow.

I was born and lived in the novus ordo, the mass many know today as the "normal" mass, unfortunately such mass has nothing of being normal; I use to be charismatic, then (when I got married), I briefly experimented being a catechumen, today God knows what I have to go through to get to the Latin mass here in Florida, mass which practically doesn’t exist in my beloved Dominican Republic.

Back then, I did participated in various spiritual retreats, that’s when I met Jesus; It was in the year 1992, the first of few times I’ve ever seen Jesus in my life, the thing is, that despite having been raised in Catholic schools and my lovely mother taught me tender prayers to God, for silly trifles within my life, one day I’d decided to take my life that same year, again, I admit total ignorance, I was very stupid about Catholicism, if I had known more, or believed more, I’ve never would’ve decided to seek suicide.

God had to intervene, one Saturday at 8 pm while they were praying for me with their hands on my head, God came and I saw Him, to my surprise He wasn’t dead; now, understand something my dear traditionalists, everyone has something wrong, the charismatics (the vast majority), live their spirituality using their feelings instead of faith, catechumens live through obedience to men and not always to God, the traditionalists are famous of not turning the other cheek when they get hit in the other, that is, they live to criticize, but that is not the bad part, their problem is when they live to criticize others without love.

September 19, 1992 I saw God, Jesus, sitting on His throne, bigger than a building, still wearing His crown of thorns, He told me (on me planning to commit suicide): “Rafael, how can you do that? Don't you know I am your King? I’d cried and cried, did so with great pain, regretting having decided to take my life on November 22 of that same year.

From that moment I no longer wanted to kill myself, from that point on, got better and tried to live my Catholicism.

30 years have passed since that time when I saw Jesus, my faith has gone through many good and bad moments like any Catholic... walked my life seeking to satisfy God's mandate by speaking about His Divine Mercy to whoever wanted to listen and the thing I’d found the most was persecution, pain and personal loss. Despite all this, I’ve continued every day looking for a way to satisfy our Lord, always wondering, almost daily, if I was doing the right thing, each time asking God himself to tell me like that time when He came and saved me, but God has better and more important things to do than telling me every single little thing, my best friend priest, who's now is in heaven, Fr. Edward Wal, always told me to keep on going.

Within the internet I’ve been insulted in various ways by people I don’t know personally, despite trying to reach everyone through my words with love, the insults rained down, even within my own family, I’ve lost the affection of some of my relatives, lost my wife, my children are no longer engaging me, some of my childhood friends have given me the cold shoulder and I honestly don't blame them, I’ve became radioactive, or better said, like one lifelong friend told me: inflexible.

I’d prayed to God: ‘please get me back what I’ve lost so far’, but no response, then I did turn my back on God for a while and all I did was to make more and more mistakes, in the end, I’ve returned to God and see, everything that had been prophesied by holy people about Francis was being fulfilled in everyone's faces, fulfilled stronger than ever, all the prayers I’ve made for the soul of Francis for his conversion failed, Bergoglio has become, the false prophet predicted in the apocalypse, he is Wormwood, the beast of the earth or simply: the false prophet.

Years preaching that Mercy without Justice was a fallacy, a mirage and by preaching such found me only loss, insults, deaf ears and more than anything loneliness.

It doesn’t matter, my hope right now is that WE CAN UNITE without having to point accusatory fingers at each other, to tell the truth with love, denounce the lies with courage and obey God rather than men.

Our pointless battles must remain in the past, the desert awaits us, recently the false prophet proclaimed to the world: ‘traditionalists are outside the Church’, as a matter of fact, THAT was their main goal from the start, to steal the structures for themselves, but thank God we have our faith. We must NOT obey, we must NOT accept anything other than sound doctrine, NO pastoral solutions far from the teachings of Jesus Christ, have the courage to continue despite personal ruin and the obstacles the world will put in our way.

I don't deserve to be included among cardinal Roche’s famous “keyboard warriors”, what's more, I don't deserve anything good in this life for turning my back on my Lord Jesus so many times; I'm just a Novus Ordo kid who fell in love with the Tridentine mass despite knowing nothing of Latin, practically nothing of the law, I'm a living ignorant, I don't have any ecclesiastical power, all I have is the sweet words of Jesus whom promised to wipe away every tear from us.

There’s my hope, that’s my happiness, I wait for that day anxiously, I wish it happened yesterday already, sweet and mysterious words full of Divine Mercy... that same word which has Truth and Justice designates Francis as a false prophet, remember? “…by their fruits you shall know them.” If Bergoglio himself is a false prophet, as his fruits speak loudly, and by fruits, I mean his erratic and grave actions towards the souls of the flock, actions visible for all to see, then, if he is a false prophet therefore, he is an antipope.

The traditionalist forces of the Church have taken years to see this, years since 2013, many of us have been pointing this out, Francis is an antipope, a living disaster destroying everything in his path, and he does it with beautiful words.

Lie after lie, blasphemy after blasphemy, heresy after heresy, little by little riding on the horse of apostasy.

We MUST persevere in the catholic faith, BUT do so without accusing those of the novus ordo, the catechumenate, or even Emmaus fleeing towards the desert... we are witnessing how the false church destroys anyone and everything while the world applauds. I call for unity, I ask that we stop acting like them, we must tell the truth without mocking anyone, seek to obey God and not men, the herd is on fire and Bergoglio continues to pour gasoline, is there perhaps any holy priest out there who wants to defend us? Is there a priest willing and able to become a martyr? Will any bishop walk with us into the desert?

Bergoglio abandoned Jesus, he left the teachings of the Apostles, he obviously left Catholicism, it is time NOT to obey those who seek our spiritual ruin, WE HAVE to obey God and NOT men, we are the Church fleeing into the desert, UNITED and saying things with love, without mocking or accusing brethren just to satisfy ego.

Forgive me Bergoglio, but you are a hopeless case for me, I can no longer keep praying for your soul, it has become difficult for me to do it, it feels like pouring water into a glass full of holes, now, please don't do like me, I'm a spiritual illiterate, if you want continue and pray for his soul to see if he converts in time, from now on I’ll only pray to God for the flock so it doesn’t fall away and for priests not to fear becoming martyrs, for them to obey God and NOT men. Come Lord Jesus. Amen.

A big hug in Jesus Christ. Amen