Message of Our Lady 16/02/11 at Borg in Nadur Malta. (P315) Message of 16th February 2011 , given at Borg in-Nadur Malta During the third and fourth decades of the rosary, the Lady’s hands filled up …More
Message of Our Lady 16/02/11 at Borg in Nadur Malta.

(P315) Message of 16th February 2011
, given at Borg in-Nadur Malta

During the third and fourth decades of the rosary, the Lady’s hands filled up with precious stones and diamonds, while the rosary-beads was hanging on her left arm. These gems melted in her hands and a sparkling flow of liquid fell from her fingers.

My dear children and my children – the ones of my heart!
This is for Fr Hayden and Fr David to pass on to the people.

My children, you will soon face the moment when you will have to decide: either ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Be strong when you come to take the decision, my children. Have no fear. Before jotting down the mark, place your hand on your conscience and inquire what my Son Jesus asks in this regard. Do not allow Satan to confuse you, my children. Never allow him to confuse you. Do not allow anyone to cause you to alter your belief. Be witnesses to your faith. Be witnesses to the truth. Face the multitude fearlessly. Be steadfast in your beliefs.
Continue to nurture and to hold what had been planted in your childhood.

My own little children, indeed if you multiply your prayer, especially the rosary, peace will reign in the world. Indeed the world would be transformed from darkness into day. Believe that you are to change the world yourselves. Let others look at you differently. Let people realize that you are different to them since you live by principle. At this time, I am sending a downpour of graces onto the world. Many are accepting them and others are not. This is why, at one point I had gems and diamonds in my hands. These are the graces that my Son Jesus is giving me to distribute among you. Yes my children, sense these great graces that Heaven is giving you. Treasure them. Never refuse them. Embrace them.

Finally, I ask you, my children, meditate on the Passion of my Son Jesus. Meditate on it with great care and it will transform your life.

Say the rosary and get others to say the rosary. Say the rosary and get others to say the rosary. Say the rosary and get others to say the rosary.

Thank you for having listened to my call.