Faith Is Greater Than Obedience. Part 2. Professor Albert Drexel (1889--1977) held three doctor degrees as an Austrian scientist of philology and ethnology. In 1932 he had a private audience with Pope …More
Faith Is Greater Than Obedience. Part 2.

Professor Albert Drexel (1889--1977) held three doctor degrees as an Austrian scientist of philology and ethnology. In 1932 he had a private audience with Pope Pius XI. He taught as professor in the Vatican University for Missions and was later used as an expert in racial questions at the Vatican. Professor Drexel died on March 9, 1977 and is buried beside his priest brother in Austria. His book Faith Is Greater Than Obedience, came to the light in 1984. He celebrated only the Tridentine Mass.
Frà Alexis Bugnolo
Faith in God is greater than any obedience owed to man, but Faith in God does require obedience to those who hold the offices in the Church He has given, in those things in which He wills us to obey.