Hermit of Loreto. Father Giacomo Capoverde shares a fascinating story of his encounter with the Hermit of Loreto (the author of the Pieta Prayer Book), at the site of the Holy House of the Blessed …More
Hermit of Loreto.

Father Giacomo Capoverde shares a fascinating story of his encounter with the Hermit of Loreto (the author of the Pieta Prayer Book), at the site of the Holy House of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Exterior and interior shown in this article’s photo). In this video, Father Capoverde shares an amazing premonition this Hermit of Loreto had all the way back in the 1980s about Donald J. Trump. Please watch as Father shares this incredible story.
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Swiss MP on Islam
Ursula Wegmann
Unter Joh. Paul II. wurde nach einem Heiligen Jahr in den 1980ziger Jahren die Heilige Pforte in Rom mit einem Ziegelstein geschlossen, auf dem der Name von Donald Trump verzeichnet war, damit dieser an allen nachfolgenden hl. Messen teilhaben kann.