"Nations must defend peace and Christians not only in words" To build peace in the world and defend the Christians affected by "discrimination and religious intolerance," " words are not enough, we …More
"Nations must defend peace and Christians not only in words"

To build peace in the world and defend the Christians affected by "discrimination and religious intolerance," " words are not enough, we need the commitment and concrete actions of the leaders of nations." This was Benedict XVI's message New Years Day, during Mass for the Solemnity of Mary Mother of God and at the 44th World Day of Peace. Benedict XVI recalled some passages of his message, entitled "Freedom of religion, path to peace", noting that it is especially necessary that every person be animated by the true spirit of peace, to invoke it over and over again in prayer and to live it in daily relations and in all situations. Humanity, the Pope explained, "can not appear resigned to the negative f ...