Dalai Lama ~ 'Religion Is No Longer Adequate'

Dalai Lama Tells His Facebook Friends That 'Religion Is No Longer Adequate'

The Tibetan Buddhist leader, who has 4.3 million Facebook fans, posted this status update on Monday:

"All the world's major religions, with their emphasis on love, compassion, patience, tolerance, and forgiveness can and do promote inner values. But the reality of the world today is that grounding ethics in religion is no longer adequate. This is why I am increasingly convinced that the time has come to find a way of thinking about spirituality and ethics beyond religion altogether."

The post got over 4, 770 comments, and over 53, 920 shares.

The Dalai Lama is an idiot! Anyone who follows this guy really is empty.
Who cares how many comments and shares he gets!
Youtube, Facebook and all websites like this do hardly any good.
I guess the emptying of the self in Buddhist "spirituality" has taken it's toll and now it all just empty. This just shows how empty Buddhist thought and endless meditations of making oneself blank leads to it obvious conculsion. All of this is meaningless. I am glad he came out of the closet. Now this statement of the Dalai Lama grants that governments can now make ethical decisions for you. Now …More
I guess the emptying of the self in Buddhist "spirituality" has taken it's toll and now it all just empty. This just shows how empty Buddhist thought and endless meditations of making oneself blank leads to it obvious conculsion. All of this is meaningless. I am glad he came out of the closet. Now this statement of the Dalai Lama grants that governments can now make ethical decisions for you. Now matter what you do you need a higher power to set laws and structure. What will fill in the void he is advocating by his statement. How can he rectify this with his opposition to his treatment by the Chinese Communist government? Are all religous leaders undergoing a kind of aminsea to who they are or what they stand for? I am perplexed and troubled.
Paganism. I don't wonder. What do you expect. 🤨 😉
@william xucla
His religion is no longer adequate? Let's call his bluff and try to convert him...
Your're right. That's the only way his soul can be rescued. Let's pray to holy mother Mary for Mr. Gyatsu and try to convert him. 😇 🙏More
Paganism. I don't wonder. What do you expect. 🤨 😉

@william xucla

His religion is no longer adequate? Let's call his bluff and try to convert him...

Your're right. That's the only way his soul can be rescued. Let's pray to holy mother Mary for Mr. Gyatsu and try to convert him. 😇 🙏
william xucla
His religion is no longer adequate? Let's call his bluff and try to convert him...
which just goes to show how spiritually bankrupt Buddhism is.