Former WHO scientist denounces a plan to depopulate and control the world July 16, 2021 by editor- Here you can see the video in the original language: Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger, researcher and professor …More
Former WHO scientist denounces a plan to depopulate and control the world

July 16, 2021 by editor-

Here you can see the video in the original language:

Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger, researcher and professor for 25 years at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Geneva and Lausanne, an eminent former WHO scientist for International Public Health, warns of a plan to depopulate and control the world using as excuse Covid-19 to subdue people through fear and perpetual vaccination.

As she publishes The BL, Stuckelberger involves a small group of billionaires in her hypothesis, including Bill Gates; she so she explains it in an interview (published on June 5) that she conducted with Dr. Reiner Füllmich. As we know, the German lawyer chairs the Crown Committee and together with his team continues to investigate who are responsible for the global coup that humanity is suffering and that has already caused both loss of life and physical, psychological, social and economic damage.

The plan of that group of people would go a long way: "They are trying to block people's freedoms, which is really disturbing," says Stuckelberger, adding that "they want to annihilate any thought, emotion and cognition." "Because they are closing churches, they are preventing what makes people more spiritual, they are persecuting all doctors who use natural therapies, and even in Switzerland, they are letting doctors practice, but not those who heal with natural medicines", the scientist reiterates.

Stuckelberger adds in the video: “They want to annihilate us; those who survive with completely dysfunctional brains will be obedient. They even want to inject nanotechnologies under the skin, imposing the passport of vaccines ”.

Likewise, she refers to the Johns Hopkins University plan for possible pandemics, projected for the years 2025 and 2028. The University describes it in the following terms: “SPARS pandemic 2025-2028. The steps in this process include deciding on a time frame, identifying potential critical uncertainties, and then using this framework to build a story that covers the response and recovery phases of a fictitious emergency event, ”she describes in a document.

Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger also indicates that we are facing the worst nightmare, “an eternal pandemic”, coupled with perpetual fear and perpetual vaccinations. And they are doing it right under our noses.

The views of this researcher are shared by other scientists who have also warned about the risks that the irregular handling of the so-called Chinese Communist Party Virus could imply for the world population, from different perspectives.

Among them is the German virologist Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, one of the most experienced vaccine specialists in the world, who states: "Anyone who takes the COVID [CCP Virus] vaccine is destroying their innate immune system."

In addition, the German specialist in microbiology and epidemiology, Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, emphasized the dangers of the controversial 'vaccine' when administered to children. He said: "Do not inject children because they have absolutely no chance to defend themselves, if you give your child these 'vaccines', he is committing a crime."