The Adventure of Everyday Life. Testimony How to become holy in everyday things Wei Zhang talks about how St Josemaria’s message is a path for many people to find God while living in society, by trying …More
The Adventure of Everyday Life.

How to become holy in everyday things
Wei Zhang talks about how St Josemaria’s message is a path for many people to find God while living in society, by trying to be better every day. My name’s Wei Zhang, I come from Beijing in China, and I’m studying History of Art in Germany, [...]
Tags:Baptism,Opus Dei,Ordinary life
Feast Day of Saint Josemaria in Calgary (Canada) – Christ is your Model
Calgary, Alberta, Canada Rev. David Sands together with Rev. Wilbert Chin Jon celebrated the Holy Mass in honor of St. Josemaria Escriva on June 25 at St. Bonaventure Church. During his homily, Fr. Sands shared with the faithful his thoughts, feelings and experiences he has during the [...]
Tags:Holiness,Ordinary life,June 26,Father,Canada
The Christian vocation to apostolate
Gabby explains how she lives out her Christian vocation at work, relaxing, and socializing with friends.
Tags:Friendship,Apostolate,Unity of life,Ordinary life,Vocation
A block of ice
Like every day, after lunch today we were going to the sitting-room to spend some family time together, when we saw that someone had taken away the cord we had put up in the street below, to keep people away from the threatening stalactites hanging [...]
Tags:Gratitude,Ordinary life
It's about how you live your life
So I'm Nic and I'm a producer. I'm also an expert in media and communications. And I had the great privilege of not only meeting but working with Opus Dei around the time of the Da Vinci Code release. Part of Opus Dei's message and the [...]
Tags:Joy,Faith,Opus Dei,Work,Ordinary life
Christian poverty is working to better one's personal situation
During Sunday's Angelus, Benedict XVI made an invitation to live a balanced lifestyle in solidarity with everyone in society while not worrying about the stresses of money. In his speech he recalled that Jesus invited all Christians to lead a simple life without riches. “This [...]
Tags:Detachment,Poverty,Solidarity,Ordinary life
Faith is to be lived out every day
Nic, media and communications consultant, producer. While working with Opus Dei as media and communications consultant in 2006, Nic Sulsky was struck by Saint Josemaria’s call to live by faith in a dynamic way that fills each day with meaning.
Tags:Faith,Ordinary life,Consistency,Communication,Cameroun
Let each wayfarer follow his way
My vocation was like falling in love. Liliana Iavicoli, from Argentina, tells how the discovery of her vocation brought new light into her life.
Tags:October 2, 1928,Founding of Opus Dei,Freedom,Ordinary life,supernumerary
From the Philippines: Saint of the ordinary
Last Saturday, June 26, was the feast of St. Josemaria Escriva, otherwise known as the saint of the ordinary. He also established Opus Dei, which, contrary to many misconceptions, is neither a cult nor a secret mafia, nor an association of strange people (as depicted [...]
Tags:Ordinary life,June 26,Philippines
An exhibition of photographs called “The extraordinary aspect of ordinary things”
Photographers turn a moment into something special, hold it, polish it, eternalize it, and make it extraordinary. For St Josemaria Escriva, everyone capable of eternalizing everyday things – as he said, “Heaven and earth seem to merge on the horizon. But where they really meet [...]
Tags:Ordinary life

Direct links
+ Writings of the Founder of Opus Dei
+ Opus Dei web site
+ Vatican web site
+ Bulletin of the Prelature of Opus Dei
+ St. Josemaria Institute
+ St. Josemaría Escrivá Historical Institute
+ St Josemaria channel on YouTube
+ More links