Bishop blesses pro-abortion group; Diocese sponsors pro-abort, pro-homosexual speaker

Bishop blesses pro-abortion group; Diocese sponsors pro-abort, pro-homosexual speaker

This photo shows San Bernardino Auxiliary Bishop Rutilio del Riego blessing a handful of men; the photo was under a headline: “Catholics Care, Catholics Vote.” The story with the headline and photo appeared in the September 2012 edition of the San Bernardino diocesan paper, the BYTE.

The photo comes from a media event jointly staged with the Diocese and two political organizations.

In the story it says “As we approach the November elections, Inland Congregations United for change and Mi Familia Vota, have made themselves available to train parish leaders to conduct non-partisan voter registration drives.”

The San Bernardino BYTE failed to tell good Catholics what the two groups are really all about.

The Inland Congregations United For Change is a leftist community organization group which is part of a larger political action group called PICO CA.

They focus on the issues of immigration, gay and lesbian rights, and education.

The killing of thousands of California unborn babies is not an issue of concern to them. (ED: Yet, Bishop Rutilio del Riego publicly blesses them? It's no wonder Catholics are confused about which candidates to vote for.)

The Mi Familia Vota organization, although they promote themselves as non-partisan, are heavily involved with the leftist labor union, SEIU, which is endorsing Obama and has a record of extreme support for abortion and Planned Parenthood.

The executive director of Mi Familia Vota is Ben Monterroso, a longtime staffer for SEIU. The SEIU actively supports the murder of unborn human beings.

Gloria.TV – News Briefs and one more user link to this post
This is alarming for me because these priests and bishops are being used to promulgate same-sex marriage, abortion, and in support against religious liberty.
What were they thinking? This is an abomination to God and to all of us.
The bishops should be alarmed by this outrageous act of these men of God. They should be ex-communicated by our church.
Our society is changing but not our church because …More
This is alarming for me because these priests and bishops are being used to promulgate same-sex marriage, abortion, and in support against religious liberty.

What were they thinking? This is an abomination to God and to all of us.

The bishops should be alarmed by this outrageous act of these men of God. They should be ex-communicated by our church.

Our society is changing but not our church because Jesus' teaching remains the same 2000 years ago. We are not pagans or gentiles; we embrace them to share the Gospel of Jesus, and we are the one who are breaking these rules then these priests and bishops might as well leave the Catholic Church. We do not need them here.
Gloria.TV – News Briefs
According to the 2010 census Hispanics make up 16.4% of the population. Contrary to the spin put out by Hispanic pressure groups, they do not determine elections.
With Univision’s expose on Fast and Furious, and the fact that most are of Catholic belief, I can’t believe Hispanics will forgive Bath-House Barry’s stance on “finishing …More

According to the 2010 census Hispanics make up 16.4% of the population. Contrary to the spin put out by Hispanic pressure groups, they do not determine elections.

With Univision’s expose on Fast and Furious, and the fact that most are of Catholic belief, I can’t believe Hispanics will forgive Bath-House Barry’s stance on “finishing the job” on the poor infants that survive abortion procedures, not to mention the murder of their fellow citizens used as political fodder for the gay guy in the White House.

According to CNN, only 50% of the eligible Hispanic voters voted in 2008 while whites voted at a 66% clip and blacks showed up at 65%.

It is doubtful that Obama will get more Hispanic votes than he did in 2008.

And CNN says that the Economy is the number one issue @ 44% and immigration is a far second @ 14%.

I am an American of Cuban descent. My entire family and I cannot stand the sight and sound of the Muslim in the White House and will vote accordingly.

Welfare draws hispanics to the polls. Democrats promise them more food stamps so they vote democrat. Same as blacks.

Almost all union members and government workers I know support Obama! They do not think the bad economy is Obama’s fault. They blame top 1% always! They are so mis-informed, brainwashed and plain dumb!
Gloria.TV – News Briefs
It's all about "IMMIGRATION" for these traitorous Hispanic bishops. For them, abortion is a peripheral issue and so the Abortionist in Chief is their choice in the election despite his own broken immigration promises.
How incredibly stupid and naive can these people (including this bishop) be?…/storyMore

It's all about "IMMIGRATION" for these traitorous Hispanic bishops. For them, abortion is a peripheral issue and so the Abortionist in Chief is their choice in the election despite his own broken immigration promises.

How incredibly stupid and naive can these people (including this bishop) be?…/story