Tent set-up on the esplanade. "Hi and welcome to the esplanade. We're here for the very exciting build and the "big top's" about to go up, it will be a matter of minutes before it does. It's an exciting …More
Tent set-up on the esplanade.

"Hi and welcome to the esplanade. We're here for the very exciting build and the "big top's" about to go up, it will be a matter of minutes before it does.

It's an exciting time. The internationals are starting to fly in so…only a few more days to go".

"We're here on the esplanade and behind me you can see 'the lion stadium,' as we've called it for Days in the Diocese, is just about to be lifted up and raised to provide us with the cover where all the internationals will be for Days in the Diocese.

There's another marquee over here which is just about to be built at 30 by 40 meter structure as well over another secondary stage which will be a big space for the festival day.

It will basically be the biggest Church Cathedral ever set up on the Esplanade for a big mass on the Saturday as well so I hope you all come down to the event and I'll see you here on the 10th and 12th of July."