The Catholic Church - Builder of Civilization, Episode 2: The Church and Science. What the catholic did with science. Shocking truth. To continu E 3: The Catholic Church - Builder of Civilization, E …More
The Catholic Church - Builder of Civilization, Episode 2: The Church and Science.

What the catholic did with science. Shocking truth.
To continu E 3: The Catholic Church - Builder of Civilization, E 3: Priests as Scientific Pioneers
Michel-René Landry
Don't worry... their is 13 episode.
Verry powerful armor and defends.
And, with all thise series, it juste show in a earthly way of how the catholic church is glorious. Imagine the throne of god.... It's without explanation.
Deo Gratias!!!
And, you should listen to thise: Vivaldi-Gloria #1More
Don't worry... their is 13 episode.
Verry powerful armor and defends.
And, with all thise series, it juste show in a earthly way of how the catholic church is glorious. Imagine the throne of god.... It's without explanation.

Deo Gratias!!!

And, you should listen to thise: Vivaldi-Gloria #1
✍️ More please - Rene