A gay subculture in the USCCB?

Although the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops is indeed opposed to same-sex "marriage" – thank God – the following news item is troubling.

According to Catholic World News,

Bridging Refugee Youth and Children's Services (BRYCS), a project of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops' Migration and Refugee Services, has updated and expanded its training to workers in federally-funded refugee resettlement programs, in part to 'address the needs of particularly vulnerable groups of children, including youth who may be gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgendered'....

Father Richard Perozich, a priest of the Diocese of San Diego, wrote:

It appears that a practicing or promoting homosexual subculture may be active in the bureaucracy of this USCCB committee. It needs to be weeded out before a Catholic agency can help in a resettlement process. Youth with [same-sex attraction] need to be guided to the truth of sexuality as man or woman and not be harassed with labeling as LGBTQ.

If an agency cannot promote the Catholic truth, then the Catholic agency is not ready to assist in resettlement work. No one should ever abuse any human being by calling them gay, lesbian, transgendered, or bisexual, whether in false affirmation or in derision. Perhaps the committee will be faithful to Jesus and work with these people even if it is at odds with the perverse government standards.

Continued at Renew America