The youngest End-Time Mystic 9-year-old Mexican called the Handmaiden of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary receives messages from Heaven telling about the events facing humanity from an early age.

So far this little girl has received 50 messages from Jesus and Mary about The Warning, what are they telling her? (read below) In addition to Jesus and Mary, mystics and saints appeared to her. He has a priest as spiritual director and the diocese's bishop is aware of the events. And in special situations or important dates in the liturgical calendar, he receives the stigmas of the Lord on his hands, feet and side, although he does not bleed.

Full article below.

Holy Spirit, come and enlighten our mind so that we can dispel the Truth, through Jesus Christ, our Lord and God, and His Most Holy Mother, Queen of Heaven and Earth. Amen

Children and young people are often chosen as addressees of the messages of Jesus, Mary, angels and saints.

This was the case with Lucia, Jacinta and Francisco Marto, the seers of Fatima, the six seers of Medjugorje, the four girls of Garabandal, Bernadette, the girl whose Virgin appeared in Lourdes, France, and many others.

But there is a current case that affects us a lot, a girl, a 9-year-old Mexican victim soul who accepts and sees Our Lord Jesus Christ at the age of three.

She is also a prophet and bears the name that Jesus and Mary gave her: "Handmaid of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary", whose identity is kept secret in order to preserve it.

At this point, we will talk to you about the main revelations he gives, which were obtained by the Mexican journalist Jaime Duarte, chosen by the Virgin as the recipient of the confession of the little Servant.

This girl is the soul of a victim, that is, she suffers for others who accepts and sees the Blessed Virgin Mary and Jesus, now 9 years old in 2021

The journalist who interviewed her in May 2021 is Mexican Jaime Duarte, founder of radio and television Cisne.

In the description of this film, we leave you with links to films in which Jaime Duarte himself tells about this matter.

Perhaps Duarte was chosen to convey the messages and warnings of the coming Warning or the enlightenment of consciences given by the little servant because he himself had lived through the warning's peculiar shortened judgment.

The girl grows up hand in hand with Jesus and Mary and understands more and more supernatural messages, although she has always understood them globally.

In addition to Jesus and Mary, there were also mystics and saints, such as Padre Pio, who taught her to pray the rosary in Latin, Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer, the founder of Opus Dei, or Luisa Picarreta, who taught her the passion of Jesus Christ whom she saw in her life, with Jesus as your guide.

She also received San Martín de Porres and a doctor of the Church of Santa Hildegarda de Bingen, as well as the shepherds of Fatima.

St. Michael the Archangel, Guardian Angel and St. Teresa of the Child Jesus.

And the list goes on even longer.

At the age of three, she could barely speak, drew pictures and told her parents unusual things that a girl could not think of, even if she was formed in the Catholic faith.

And that is why this girl has a lot to offer for us, because she receives things that only Heaven can reveal to her and asks us, like Our Lady today in Medjugorje, to change our lives for the better.

And heralds the triumph of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, as the Virgin in Fatima and Medjugorje announced: "At last my Immaculate Heart will triumph."

In the company of the Virgin, like the boys of Medjugorje and Fatima, she visited heaven, purgatory and hell.

And in Hell, she met a relative crying out for his release.

He also has visions, dreams and localizations, and recently in 2021 we found out that he has the gift of prophesying, i.e. getting to know, for example, the future of a person or family in terms of the likelihood of their condemnation.

You must know that the little Mexican doesn't watch TV and takes home-schooling lessons.
She was also assessed by specialist doctors and psychologists who concluded that she was completely healthy.

He has a priest as spiritual director and the diocese's bishop is aware of the events.

She once offered herself as the victim's soul and with this dedication she stopped a natural disaster. [1]

As "the soul of the victim", the girl suffers the Passion of the Lord.

And in special situations or important dates in the liturgical calendar, he receives the stigmas of the Lord on his hands, feet and side, although he does not bleed.

The visits of Jesus and Mary are in her bedroom.

On February 17, 2019, when the Mexican woman was only six years old, she called for an urgent conversion to One and Triune God and said that something very difficult was coming to Mexico and the world, because it is in God's Will, always!

And she received various messages from Heaven about the nearness of God's Great Warning to the world.

Her parents did not tell her or notify her of the incident.

The characteristics that she describes and even draws perfectly match her.

There is no doubt that due to the coronavirus-related health crisis, the world is experiencing a cleansing of psychological, spiritual, economic and poverty problems.

And in this context, our Lord Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary will let the little Servant know about the proximity of this great universal event, which is The Warning, where God will show us our sins, regardless of race, gender or nationality, we will see how he sees our soul.

The girl knows the details of upcoming events that do not emerge from television, movies or books.

And in that sense, since she was little, she had known that World War III would come after The Warning.

[1] volcano eruption

And that before [The Warning] there will be telluric phenomena, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, not only in Mexico but all over the world.

It also tells of arriving before the warning of a comet and a meteor that will be very close to Earth.

She said a small star would fall from a comet in a place remote from cities.

And in one of the drawings Jaime Duarte saw personally, the moon is split into two parts.

He claims that the Great Warning is just around the corner, very close, and says that Heaven has an urgent need to prepare for this event, as a huge upheaval of consciences is accompanied by an astronomical phenomenon.

The Lord told her The Warning was an act of His mercy, not a punishment.

This is important to clarify as perhaps this is the last opportunity the Lord gives us to return to Him.

The Lord also let her know that a powerful earthquake was approaching internationally, which would have a devastating effect on Mexico, her country.

And at least four or five times this Servant of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary woke up at dawn crying in anguish because the Lord showed her destruction in some part of the earth, about six hours before the event took place.

This happened when she woke up and said she had seen destruction and death in an area of dark-skinned people with slanted eyes. The Telluric Disaster happened in Indonesia.

Once upon a time, without geographic knowledge, she drew a third of the earth with 23 countries such as Japan, France and Korea, and by occupying the surface, she drew a fat worm which she says is a new virus that will attack humanity.

The doctor saw the drawing and said it looked like the smallpox virus.

He also mentions in some of his 50 messages and visions that he sees a Church half destroyed, a metaphor that expresses itself in a temple half destroyed and the other half completely, and that perhaps this is the situation of the Catholic Church today.

The messages encourage you to be spiritually prepared for the Great Warning and try not to sin but instead pray and intercede for people who find themselves in a situation of sin.

Let Jesus touch our hearts and follow the Holy Mass, live the Eucharist, read the Bible, visit the Blessed Sacrament during Holy Hours and pray the Holy Rosary.

Recommends the use of sacramentals such as holy water, the Virgen del Carmen scapular, the medal of San Benito, and consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary; fasting and doing penance.

The Virgin and Jesus ask her to offer up our sufferings that she experiences with hers.

Carrying the cross, as you can see when her mother did not understand what was happening to her and took her to a doctor who found nothing in her.

The girl felt very bad, however, and the doctor examined her and finally found a thorn from the crown of Jesus in her neck.

The Virgin asks us to submit ourselves to God's Will as preparation.

In addition to preparing a backpack with water and food, warm clothing and holy oil, water and blessed or exorcised candles; and when the time comes to seal the doors and windows with Jesus' blood while The Warning.

But the most important thing is to put sin aside, to live in a state of grace, to receive Holy Communion. and confession.

The first thing we need to do is to practice the reception of the sacraments.

Well, so far we wanted to tell you about this extraordinary case of the little Servant of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, who is eloquent in the message that we must prepare for the Great Warning and abide in God's grace.

Transcript from the film FOROS DE LA VIRGEN MARIA

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Every day new Messages from Heaven from Mystics in Europe and America translated from
May God bless all those who read the Messages from Heaven with the Holy Spirit and give strength and understanding to separate the truth from falsehood, and our Queen guards and protects you and this mission. Amen