Catholics and Memorial Day

I am always drawn to these words of Jesus on Memorial Day, "No one has greater love than this, to lay down one's life for one's friends." (John 15:13)

Military service which leads to laying one's life down is certainly an expression of this kind of heroic love. It also deserves to be honored. Those who witness to it are champions - and we should stop and reflect on their valor and virtue today.

On this Memorial Day, I ask you to consider a practice I was inspired to embrace years ago. Whenever you see a man or a woman in uniform, stop and shake their hand. Thank them for their service to our Nation and smile.

Though considered a secular holiday, many do not know that a national moment of remembrance takes place at 3:00 p.m. At that time we are asked to observe a moment of silence and prayer. Throughout the day, Americans visit cemeteries or memorials dedicated to the war dead and spiritually reflect on those existential issues which are the ground of faith.

We also celebrate the memory of the lives of those who died in service. There are community wide parades and picnics. The Holiday has also become the unofficial start to the summer season in the United States. So engrained has its observance become that many public pools often time their opening to the observance.

Catholic Online