
Pope Francis And Islam [Papst Franziskus und der Islam]

I. The Question of Islam. Francis addressed greetings to the Muslims for the end of Ramadan. The Catholic Church never did this before the Second Vatican Council. The reason is very simple and obvious for any Catholic who has not lost his sensus fidei: the acts of other religions have no supernatural value and they turn their followers away from the only path of salvation, Our Lord Jesus Christ. How can we not shudder with horror when the Pontiff tells worshippers of Allah that “we are called to respect the religion of others, its teachings, its symbols and its values”?
It should be noted that they are quite far from what we learn by reading the Acts of the Apostles or the Epistles of Saint Paul! For, all the same, we must indeed respect people, but in no case must we respect false beliefs that deny the Holy Trinity of Divine Persons and the Incarnation of the Word of God…

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To him, the Father, in the Spirit of Jesus Christ, I now turn, begging the intercession of the Virgin Mary, a daughter of the Holy Land and our Mother.
Lord God of peace, hear our prayer! We have tried so many times and over so many years to resolve our conflicts by our own powers and by the force of our arms. How many moments of hostility and darkness have we experienced; how much blood has been …
To him, the Father, in the Spirit of Jesus Christ, I now turn, begging the intercession of the Virgin Mary, a daughter of the Holy Land and our Mother.
Lord God of peace, hear our prayer! We have tried so many times and over so many years to resolve our conflicts by our own powers and by the force of our arms. How many moments of hostility and darkness have we experienced; how much blood has been shed; how many lives have been shattered; how many hopes have been buried… But our efforts have been in vain. Now, Lord, come to our aid! Grant us peace, teach us peace; guide our steps in the way of peace. Open our eyes and our hearts, and give us the courage to say: "Never again war!"; "With war everything is lost". Instil in our hearts the courage to take concrete steps to achieve peace.
Lord, God of Abraham, God of the Prophets, God of Love, you created us and you call us to live as brothers and sisters. Give us the strength daily to be instruments of peace; enable us to see everyone who crosses our path as our brother or sister. Make us sensitive to the plea of our citizens who entreat us to turn our weapons of war into implements of peace, our trepidation into confident trust, and our quarreling into forgiveness. Keep alive within us the flame of hope, so that with patience and perseverance we may opt for dialogue and reconciliation. In this way may peace triumph at last, and may the words "division", "hatred" and "war" be banished from the heart of every man and woman. Lord, defuse the violence of our tongues and our hands. Renew our hearts and minds, so that the word which always brings us together will be "brother", and our way of life will always be that of: Shalom, Peace, Salaam! Amen.…/the-jewish-cath…
comment of moslimminaambaasir
There is a saying of Muhammad that there will be a time when a black man from Kenya (Abyssinnia) will come, he will have slim legs and he will destroy Kaabah” After that Kaabah will never be again made. SO POINT IS muslims already know it is Obama and it is destined to happen.Everything is mentioned by our prophet 2000years ago.Allah is patient and reveals every sign …More
comment of moslimminaambaasir
There is a saying of Muhammad that there will be a time when a black man from Kenya (Abyssinnia) will come, he will have slim legs and he will destroy Kaabah” After that Kaabah will never be again made. SO POINT IS muslims already know it is Obama and it is destined to happen.Everything is mentioned by our prophet 2000years ago.Allah is patient and reveals every sign after decades He doesn’t need anyone to believe.Things which are decided are decreed.if usa fights terrorism why doesn’t it stop isis 1st and then kill innocent gazans? Because ISIS are recruited from USA itself
We are in such a time where jihad is prohibited by our prophet. Stay indoors . Because there is so much corruption that your leaders misguided u, even if u have to survive on grass. Go to mountains and leave the cities. Like Christians we muslims believe in israelites settling back in kabah, and will bring them back to the holy land after diaspora. Why? Because they didn’t accept any prophet. They crucified Jesus. Killed 40 prophets in 1 u believe they will accept muhammad an arab as a prophet of God? No way! So God will send antichrist the false prophet for them and they all will obey him and that is how God will baffle them. Every muslim is a good Christian and a good jews. .because he believes in all the books and all the Prophets. Jihad is not islam
As far as stone is concerned, we don’t worship the stone.We believe that God’s throne is right up Kaabah in the 7th sky…stone is just dropped from paradise as a sign for believe to believe
All miracles after quran are God doesn’t talk, send birds for rescue, doesn’t show any miracles because the prophecy is closed. The last miracle of God is quran. If you read it and understand it. You will goto heaven
Anyhow, I just wanted to pass on the msg to ppl who want to know what muslims believe in reality.i hope it is useful.
One more comment from Ressurected
ISIS member Abu Turab Al Mugaddasi said that they would destroy the Kaaba in Mecca: “If Allah wills, we will kill those who worship stones in Mecca and destroy the Kaaba. People go to Mecca to touch the stones, not for Allah.”More…/028.jpg

ISIS member Abu Turab Al Mugaddasi said that they would destroy the Kaaba in Mecca: “If Allah wills, we will kill those who worship stones in Mecca and destroy the Kaaba. People go to Mecca to touch the stones, not for Allah.”
I would like to know whether the pseudochrists has still the same views about them- when they would hear and see the demonic laughter in Germany of here living Islamists!!!
😈 😈 😈 🤮 🤮 🤮More
I would like to know whether the pseudochrists has still the same views about them- when they would hear and see the demonic laughter in Germany of here living Islamists!!!

😈 😈 😈 🤮 🤮 🤮
One more comment from Josefine
No one should trust these wolves in sheep's clothing, who speak in the face of this cruel war against the Christians, the people of family and vocations.
Why do they prevent not the mass abortion of children? -Maybe there's more vocations!
They want to avoid the clueless sheep and lambs to expand their consciousness, to recognize God and the living water, that offers to the faithful by Jesus Christ …More
No one should trust these wolves in sheep's clothing, who speak in the face of this cruel war against the Christians, the people of family and vocations.
Why do they prevent not the mass abortion of children? -Maybe there's more vocations!
They want to avoid the clueless sheep and lambs to expand their consciousness, to recognize God and the living water, that offers to the faithful by Jesus Christ, which means to become one with him by the Spirit of God.
But these wolves talking about the Spirit of God, while they at the same time wants to prevent it.
Masonic and atheists have occupied all the offices under the guise of religiosity, and try to impose the masonic human rights against the will of the people in all walks of life, so that they have a godless belief and low awareness.
There are culprits that everywhere build their political programmes, agreed at the Bilderberg meetings. Many groups are behind it, not only Freemasonry and secret societies, but also the leading financial elite, the talmud Jews, and the European noble houses.
They speak for the United Nations, by they have changed the word of God and the law of God, the faithful Christians in all countries to lead the people away of the truth.
This is reflected in the Reality through: legalization of mass abortion - 50 million children per year and about 100 000 mothers who annually at the abortion of the children also die - euthanasia, gay marriages and adoption of children as disguised sexual child abuse, legalization of drugs, atheistic upbringing and early sexualization or Pornographisierung of children and young people, promotion of the entertainment industry, the glorification of violence, prostitution and pornography.
They implement this awareness of destruction at the expense of those who wants to preserve their individuality.

The result is a class struggle and a fight for the truth. It is an ideological struggle against the freedom of thought and the Christian culture, and this persecution led to wars and the war against the Christians.…/der-verschwiege……/massenmord-an-f……/41-prozent-der-…
Prof. Leonard Wessell
Part 2
In order to focus matters I quote from a fatwa of an Islam Online:
"Sacrifice is not a pillar of Islam. ... Not only did the pagan Arabs sacrifice to a variety of gods in hopes of attaining protection or some favor or material gain, but so, too, did the Jews of that day seek to appease the One True God by blood sacrifice and burnt offerings. Even the Christian community felt Jesus to be …More
Part 2
In order to focus matters I quote from a fatwa of an Islam Online:

"Sacrifice is not a pillar of Islam. ... Not only did the pagan Arabs sacrifice to a variety of gods in hopes of attaining protection or some favor or material gain, but so, too, did the Jews of that day seek to appease the One True God by blood sacrifice and burnt offerings. Even the Christian community felt Jesus to be the last sacrifice, the final lamb, so to say, in an otherwise valid tradition of animal sacrifice (where one's sins are absolved by the blood of another). Islam, however, broke away from this longstanding tradition of appeasing an 'angry God' and instead demanded personal[the believer's] sacrifice and submission as the only way to die before death and reach fana or 'extinction' in Allah."

The Christian with his/her sins is purified by the Perfect Sacrifice of Jesus, the Incarnation of the 2nd Person of the ONE trinitarian God. For Islam this type of sacrifice is but a continuation of animal sacrifices and disavowed. Simply, such sacrifice is rejected, i.e., no one, in this case Jesus, can vicariously be sacrificed for the salvation of humankind. In Islam, it is the jihadist him/herself who, loving death more than life, sacrifices himself and/or others in the violent propagation of Islam's striving for supremacy. A believer who sacrifices his/her life in the violent propagation (i.e, sacrificing the life of non-believers) will after death go to paradise.

The great philosopher/theologian of Islam, al-Ghazali made it clear that Allah is beyond love and has no need to favor humans with laws of nature. Allah dictates nominalistically order and so is it (for the moment). Yes, Pope Francis, Islam has one God and so too does Christianity. Other than the sameness of numericity, differences abound. I hold that respect for the religion of another person is to be shown, but because of respect for the divinely created person him/herself and his search of God. Humans are religious, and that is good! But that does not make all forms of religiosity to be equal nor deserving respect in itself.

Above I have lightly touched upon differences between Islam and Christianity. Islam is NOT a religion of love, but of unbounded power. In other words, historically it stems from the empires of antiquity.
Prof. Leonard Wessell
Part 1
As I begin my comment I just came from the German section of and learned that Christians are in danger in Tripoli as armed groups have taken control. Groups of Hindus? No, they are Muslims!!! The ISIS fighters are demanding conversion or special dhimis tax. Are these fighters Buddhists? No, they are Muslims. Strange, no? Are THE acts of following Allah to be respected and praised …More
Part 1
As I begin my comment I just came from the German section of and learned that Christians are in danger in Tripoli as armed groups have taken control. Groups of Hindus? No, they are Muslims!!! The ISIS fighters are demanding conversion or special dhimis tax. Are these fighters Buddhists? No, they are Muslims. Strange, no? Are THE acts of following Allah to be respected and praised just like the Christian acts of following God? I will come back to these facts below.

Emperor Aurelius installed (I believe 274 AD) above the other gods the Deus called the ONE "Sol Invictus", "invictus" because of unconquerable divine power. (By the way the celebration of his birth was Dec. 25, taken over by Christianity.) So, the emperor's religion had a supreme God >> other lesser gods. Does that make the emperor 1/2 a Catholic or Jew or Muslim? And POWER as in almighty is typifying of Allah as seemingly more or less so with "Sol Invictus". Well, the Romans believed that the gods communicate to humans, e.g., reading the entrails of birds or whatever --- and this is "speaking" of sorts. Christians and Muslims believe in communication from the divinity. If Emperor Aurelius had adopted Moses as a forerunner, would we not have an almost parellel to Islam? In other words, there are similarities between Christianity and Roman polytheism of the late Empire and even more between Rome and Islam (which I consider to be sole surviving empire of antiquity). If one looks hard enough one can develop a course of study called "Religious Studies" in which commonalities and differences between all religions are noted. Are not all religions re the commonalities to be praised and respected? Or is that too abstract? Let me turn to the ONE Allah of Islam, whose unicity excludes the Trinity in the ONE Deus of Christianity. Surely ONE' = ONE² in regards to being numerically "one", but not with regards to < ' > and < ² > which represent qualitative differences. (Aurelius had only ONE top deus, so why not have ONE³.) So the very numerical similarity between Islam and Christianity proves very little unless one looks deeper. And "deepe"r is to be seen in Allah features similiar to those of Sol Invicitus, i.e., power that imposes itself over others, viz., seeks to impose supremacy.

The -slm- of "Islam" has the meaning of submission to or subjugating according to the dictates of Allah (dictates formalized as Sharia -- and here we have a similarity to the Roman Empire with its Law). The believer internalizes the All-Power of Allah by learning submission to Allah's subjugating power. But submission to Allah, is submission to Allah's dictates, i.e., sharia law. Sharia law demands the realization of the suprmacy of Islam over all other religions. Accordingly, the intensely believing follower must seek to realize the supremacy of sharia or he is not submisive and, hence, is not a "good" Muslim. Let me bring this back to Aurelian's Sol Invictus. See Part 2
Do they know what is love and mercy, when they speak about it - for the remarried, but promote the parents to kill their own children, and gays who want to adopt children, to want to get them in their bed!?
Or can this be love and compassion, because they financially support the killers of Christians, but the Christians and their children slaughtered by them!
You see - the Freemasons and their human …More
Do they know what is love and mercy, when they speak about it - for the remarried, but promote the parents to kill their own children, and gays who want to adopt children, to want to get them in their bed!?
Or can this be love and compassion, because they financially support the killers of Christians, but the Christians and their children slaughtered by them!
You see - the Freemasons and their human rights differ wildly from the Gospel of Jesus Christ, who said to Simon Petrus he should graze his lambs...
Why not drive to their Islamic brothers and have a dialogue about love and mercy with them?
It is obvious, that the humanists and freemasons not to the Gospel of Jesus, but to money, sex and power - and they are responsible for injustice, persecution and war against christians.
The Vatican has push abolished by Josef Ratzinger all Catholic States in Europe, and he has invited Turkey, an Islamic State, as a member of the EU. Sure also Bergoglio during his trip to Turkey will do the same.
Only the Vatican City State wants to not belong to the EU!
They so discard all moral and ethical principles, and claim to be in Christ...
I think it is pointless to explain them, that love and hate, light and darkness have nothing together..

"Hypocrites! Probably fine, Isaiah has prophesied of you and said: "this people draweth nigh unto me with his mouth and honor me with his lips - but their heart is far from me!
"But in vain they worship me, because they teach those teachings that are nothing but human commandments!" Matthew 15, 7-9
"You snakes! You otter brood! How do you escape the court of hell?" Matthew 23,33
psalm 4 2 - 4 10
When I called upon him, the God of my justice heard me: when I was in distress, thou hast enlarged me. Have mercy on me: and hear my prayer. 2 (4-3) O ye sons of men, how long will you be dull of heart? why do you love vanity, and seek after lying? 3 (4-4) Know ye also that the Lord hath made his holy one wonderful: the Lord will hear me when I shall cry unto him. 4 (4-5) Be ye …More
psalm 4 2 - 4 10

When I called upon him, the God of my justice heard me: when I was in distress, thou hast enlarged me. Have mercy on me: and hear my prayer. 2 (4-3) O ye sons of men, how long will you be dull of heart? why do you love vanity, and seek after lying? 3 (4-4) Know ye also that the Lord hath made his holy one wonderful: the Lord will hear me when I shall cry unto him. 4 (4-5) Be ye angry, and sin not: the things you say in your hearts, be sorry for them upon your beds. 5 (4-6) Offer up the sacrifice of justice, and trust in the Lord: many say, Who sheweth us good things? 6 (4-7) The light of thy countenance, O Lord, is signed upon us: thou hast given gladness in my heart. 7 (4-8) By the fruit of their corn, their wine, and oil, they rest: 8 (4-9) In peace in the self same I will sleep, and I will rest: (4-10) For thou, O Lord, singularly hast settled me in hope.