In order to publish a book on his " deep friendship " with the real Pope Benedict XVI, Bergoglio must evidently find himself in great difficulty.

Despite The Rudimentary, Immature Bergoglian Propaganda ['Papa Fransico] -El Sucesor]There is a Catholic Population That is Waking Up, Slowly But Surely.

In short, to quote the reading from Isaiah chosen by the Pope Benedict for his funeral, “ A little longer and Lebanon will be changed into an orchard, and the orchard will be considered a forest. On that day the deaf will hear the words of the Book; freed from darkness and darkness the eyes of the blind will see.”

Andrea Cionci

Art historian, journalist and writer, he deals with history, archeology and religion. A lover of opera, creator of the "Mimerito" method experimented by the MIUR and promoter of the internationally acclaimed "Plinio" project, he was a reporter from Afghanistan and the Himalayas. He has just published the novel "Eugénie" (Bibliotheka). Searcher of the beautiful, the healthy and the true - however uncomfortable - he lives a complicated relationship with Italy which he loves madly although, not infrequently, it breaks his heart
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February 12, 2024

In order to publish a book on his " deep friendship " with the real Pope Benedict XVI, Bergoglio must evidently find himself in great difficulty.

This task was also entrusted to a character who was already the protagonist of an apocalyptic gaffe, the Spanish Vatican expert Javier Martinez Brocal.

Remember that photo of Francesco coming out of his friends' record shop at the Pantheon? He went around the world, with a relative flow of rhetoric: “ How good Pope Francis is, how easy he is, just like a common citizen etc. etc.”…

Vatican News wrote: " Brocal, who was RANDOMLY in the area, immortalized the Pope's exit with the gift bag under his arm and spread the photo on social media, where it went viral in just under thirty minutes."

Now, as we already reported at the time, Brocal is the photographer-Vaticanist-biographer-documentarian of "Pope Francis" who, according to Vatican News ... was there CASUALLY !

Since Brocal and Bergoglio insisted on Il Fatto Daily with the drama of randomness, we asked a mathematician HERE to calculate the possibility that one of the 200 Vatican experts accredited to the Vatican press office could RANDOMLY meet Francis in Rome in the space of half an hour, out of 8 hours workers of the shop, being within a 10 meter radius useful for taking such a photograph.

The odds that the event could be random were 0.000000062%.

And here is how in these days Avvenire, visibly applying basic-level NLP, reveals in the press release on Brocal's book-interview, soon to be released, the modest attempt at subliminal insistence on the concept of "predecessor-successor":

A Benedict XVI with unpublished aspects and told more than a year after his death by his direct SUCCESSOR on the Chair of Peter: Pope Francis. This is what will emerge from the next book to be released in Spanish El SUCESOR. Mis recuerdos de Benedicto XVI (The SUCCESSOR . My memories of Benedict XVI). […] The merit of this volume already from the previews spread today by the media is that of recounting the almost ten years of cohabitation in the small enclosure of the Leonine city in the Vatican (2013-2022) between Pope Francis and his PRECESSOR as Bishop of Rome Benedict XVI (1927-2022. Thanks to this unpublished story, it will emerge HOW FRANCIS HIMSELF EXPERIENCED THE RENOUNCEMENT OF RATZINGER'S PETRINE MINISTRY and the years of the papacy emeritus of his PRECESSOR ".

The banal note of language is: "everything is fine, the two popes were friends, but note that Francis is the legitimate successor of Benedict" to try at all costs to inculcate in your mind the concept of a valid Petrine succession, which there never was because, as we recently formally reported to the Secretary of State, the Gendarmerie and the Swiss Guard, HERE Benedict XVI never abdicated, his Declaratio was artfully manipulated in the translations to make it seem like an abdication .

Speaking of how Francis would have experienced Benedict's resignation, we can show you in this video what happened when Pope Ratzinger greeted the cardinals on 28 February 2013 HERE at minute 8.36 Bergoglio looks into the camera, sees that they are filming him and immediately takes his hand on the heart, a very typical Masonic gesture , which he will repeat, in September 2023, at Napolitano's chapel of rest, carefully omitting to make the sign of the cross. HERE

But the culmination is reached in the words of Bergoglio: « Benedetto and I had a very deep relationship, I want it to be known and I want it to be known without intermediaries. He was a man who had the courage to resign (AGAIN? Ed.) and, from that moment on, continued to accompany the Church and her successor . " […] The essay will above all allow us to know THE GREAT ESTIMATE AND ANCIENT AFFECTION THAT BERGOGLIO HAS ALWAYS RESERVED FOR THE THEOLOGIAN POPE. The volume will also allow us to get to know "up close" THE FRIENDSHIP BETWEEN BERGOGLIO AND RATZINGER WHEN BOTH WERE "SIMPLE" CARDINALS during the long pontificate of John Paul II: one archbishop of Buenos Aires and the other prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of faith (the former Holy Office). And we can still read in the preview released to the media THE TESTIMONY AND THE AFFECTION AND ESTIMATION OF BERGOGLIO FOR JOSEPH RATZINGER.

Well, are we really sure that this friendship existed when they were both cardinals?

We read in the authorized “Biographie” (2015) of the card. Danneels, member of the St. Gallen Mafia when talking about the 2013 conclave: Bergoglio's attitude earns the trust of many of the participants in the St. Gallen Group , including Danneels. […] it was Cardinal Ratzinger who was chosen by the conclave as the almost obvious successor to the Polish Pope, even if during the pre-conclave, the Jesuit Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio was a realistic alternative”.

And here is what Monsignor Gaenswein said in the famous "enlarged ministry" speech of 2016:

«Benedict XVI was elected after only four ballots following a dramatic struggle between the so-called “Salt of the Earth Party” around the cardinals López Trujíllo, Ruini, Herranz, Rouco Varela or Medina and the so-called “ St. Gallen Group ” around the cardinals Danneels, Martini, Silvestrini or Murphy-O'Connor; a group which, recently, Cardinal Danneels himself of Brussels amusedly defined as "a kind of mafia club".

Perfect: therefore Gaenswein, quoting Danneels, knew with certainty that Bergoglio was the candidate of St. Gallen. Here is how he continues: “The election was certainly also the outcome of a clash, the key to which Ratzinger himself had almost provided as cardinal dean, in the historic homily of 18 April 2005 in St. Peter's; and precisely there where " a dictatorship of relativism which does not recognize anything as definitive and which leaves only one's own self and its desires as the ultimate measure" he had contrasted with another measure: "the Son of God and true man" as "the measure of true humanism".

In 2016, Gaenswein, therefore, tells us that the party of cardinals that pushed Bergoglio, the St. Gallen Mafia, Ratzinger's antagonist, was that of the DICTATORSHIP OF RELATIVISM.

Considering that Pope Benedict dedicated his life to fighting relativism, how can one think that they were friends with the champion of the party of the dictatorship of relativism?

Maybe those same people who appreciated the involuntarily comic-fantasy film " The Two Popes " (Netflix, 2019) HERE which proposes the version according to which Pope Ratzinger wanted to abdicate to leave the Petrine throne RIGHT TO BERGOGLIO (!) will be able to believe it.

But now let's remember a few pages of this alleged "deep friendship".

In 2017, a very acid dig from Bergoglio on Pope Benedict which Libero acutely noted HERE : a harsh homily where the antipope explicitly declared: " We pray for the pastors, for our pastors: for the parish priests, for the bishops, FOR THE POPE; so that theirs is a life without compromises, a life on the move, and a life where they do not believe they are at the center of history and so they LEARN TO TAKE SAY". Benedetto was made the subject of such a very serious allusion because he had just praised the card. Sarah, saying that with him the liturgy was in good hands.

Absolutely worth remembering when the Argentine had Benedict XVI's favorite vineyard in Castel Gandolfo uprooted on 15 January 2020. Coldiretti had given it to him, because the German pope had presented himself for election as a "humble worker in the Lord's vineyard". Immediately after the news of the publication of the uncomfortable book signed with card. Sarah who blocked Bergoglio's advances on the abolition of ecclesiastical celibacy, no one knows what it is like, Pope Ratzinger's vineyard was brutally uprooted without giving plausible reasons. Franca Giansoldati wrote for Il Messaggero: “ There are those who hypothesize that that space will be used to accommodate a road soon to be built. In fact, the decision was taken by the new management of the pontifical villas who gave the order to demolish one of the most symbolic places of the previous pontificate. Most likely the works were started without taking into account that this was not a common vine, a piece of countryside like any other, but emblematically represented the Church of Benedict XVI".

A year later, as we read in Il Mattino HERE Bergoglio had HIS vineyard replanted in the same place.

Pope Benedict for his part, as we have demonstrated HERE, "loved his enemy and prayed for his persecutor" so much so that he always expressed totally neutral and/or amphibological judgments towards the antipope such as this: "In Argentina he said with great resoluteness: this is does and this is not done”; “He's a very direct person with his peers” and other comments that always stopped one step away from unambiguity, always avoiding expressing clearly positive appreciations.

So much so that he amphibologically concluded his posthumous “What is Christianity” by thanking “ Pope Francis because he shows us that the light of the Lord has not faded”. Obviously, upon a second reading we know that only thanks to the darkness can we appreciate the light. But everyone pretends not to understand.

The Vicar of Christ gave the antipope a nice cold shower when he refused to review the "little books" on his theology, with the scandal that cost Monsignor Dario Viganò his job HERE . However, even the first part of the letter that the monsignor artfully published was full of subtle ironies in “broad mental restriction”.

Bergoglio reserved his last insults for the funeral of his " wise grandfather" (this was the honeyed and irreverent cliché with which he depicted him, and Pope Benedict wittily pointed out that he was only ten years older than his "grandson").

The denial of flags at half-mast in the Vatican, the homily copied from scratch from Benedict's texts without quoting him, the rush to leave, the failure to celebrate mass... Lack of respect that did not escape even the most homologated mainstream.

The blog “Silere non possum” wrote: “In the square, during the funeral, many people complained about “treatment that would not be reserved even for one's worst enemy”. Pope Francis has revealed in these hours what he really thinks of the "Pope Emeritus" and the "Papacy Emeritus". Two of his collaborators yesterday had to do a back and forth to convince him not to leave the coffin in the square and leave before he was even taken to the caves for burial. The Pope didn't want to know. The dictate, ever since it began to be understood that the Holy Father Emeritus Benedict XVI would leave us, has been: "a funeral like that of the cardinals. Nothing more". Then, the negotiations began." HERE .

Finally, on January 4, 2023, Monsignor Gaenswein's glacial comment on the Traditionis custodians which presumably eliminated the Summorum Pontificum , the true motu proprio with which Pope Benedict liberalized the Latin mass in 2007. " I think he broke his heart."

In short: have you got an idea about the friendship that Bergoglio could have for the true pope even if he fulfilled the most difficult commandment of Christ: "love your enemy and pray for your persecutor", so much so that he concluded the interview for “Ein Leben” saying: “The personal friendship with Pope Francis not only remained, but grew over time”. “Personal” friendship because it belongs only to him, obviously, one-way and certainly not reciprocated.

Although the majority will accept this latest propaganda operation, there is a Catholic population that is waking up, slowly but surely.

Just take a look at the series of furious comments on the Facebook wall of the Ratzinger Foundation under the post presenting the book, on the cover of which - as many note - there is only the image of a well-fed and satisfied Bergoglio.

In short, to quote the reading from Isaiah chosen by the Pope for his funeral, “ A little longer and Lebanon will be changed into an orchard, and the orchard will be considered a forest. On that day the deaf will hear the words of the Book; freed from darkness and darkness the eyes of the blind will see.”