MAY 13 - THE GOSPEL breski1 Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint John 16,29-33. The disciples said to Jesus, "Now you are talking plainly, and not in any figure of speech. Now we realize that …More

Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint John 16,29-33.
The disciples said to Jesus, "Now you are talking plainly, and not in any figure of speech.
Now we realize that you know everything and that you do not need to have anyone question you. Because of this we believe that you came from God."
Jesus answered them, "Do you believe now?
Behold, the hour is coming and has arrived when each of you will be scattered to his own home and you will leave me alone. But I am not alone, because the Father is with me.
I have told you this so that you might have peace in me. In the world you will have trouble, but take courage, I have conquered the world."

Copyright © Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, USCCB
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Blessed Columba Marmion (1858-1923)
Christ Ideal of the Monk; Our faith : Victory over the world, section 3, p. 91-92

Overcome the world through faith
What truly makes our victory so precious is that it is in itself a signal gift of .lov.e which Christ makes to us : He has purchased it with His Blood. Listen to what our Lord said to His disciples at the close of His life : " Have confidence. I have overcome the world " (Jn 16:33)
And how did He overcome the world ? With gold ? With the splendour of exterior actions ? No, in the eyes of the world, Christ was only the son of a carpenter of Nazareth. He was humble all His life. He was born in a stable, He dwelt in a workshop ; during His apostolic journeys, He had not always a shelter, or even anywhere
to lay His head . The wisdom of the world would have scouted the idea that it could be overcome by poverty and renunciation. Did He overcome the world by the immediate temporal success of His undertakings or by other human advantages likely to impress or dominate it ? Again no. He was derided and crucified. In the eyes of the "wise " of that time His mission ended in lamentable failure upon the Cross. His disciples are scattered, the crowd wag their heads ; the Pharisees laugh Him to scorn : " He saved others : Himself He cannot save... Let Him now come down from the Cross, and then — but then only — we will believe in Him" (Mt 27:42)
Yet the failure was only apparent ; it was precisely at this moment that in reality Christ won the victory ; in the sight of the world, from the natural point of view, He
was overcome ; — but in the sight of God, He was the Victor over the prince of darkness and over the world. " Have confidence. I have overcome the world "
: Confidite, ego vici mundum. And from that hour Christ Jesus has been appointed by His Father King, over the nations.