Gay Profs at Notre Dame Speak Out About “Invisible Discrimination.”

Gay Profs at Notre Dame Speak Out About “Invisible Discrimination.”

Three homosexual professors at the University of Notre Dame are reportedly saying the Catholic university isn’t doing enough to be inclusive to the LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer) community.

Recently, the University announced it would not add sexual orientation to its nondiscrimination clause despite pressure from some student groups and faculty.

In protest of that decision, three homosexual professors spoke out in the student newspaper, saying among other things that Notre Dame treats them like “second class citizens” and that other LGBTQ professors have left the university and some students didn’t enroll because of it, despite the administration’s promise to take other steps to help LGBTQ individuals feel more included on campus, according to a report from the student newspaper.

Susan Cannon Harris, an English and Irish Studies Professor, is quoted saying she has not made any effort to conceal her sexuality. She reportedly said she feels safe coming out to students on the first day of each semester and received tenure from the university in 2004.

Gloria.TV – News Briefs
She now feels safe telling her students she is a lesbian on the first day of the semester,......
Completely unprofessional and utterly distasteful. The students have no need to be confronted with their instructor's sexual preferences. If I'm a student, I don't want to know. Just present the course material and get out of my face with the sex.

She now feels safe telling her students she is a lesbian on the first day of the semester,......

Completely unprofessional and utterly distasteful. The students have no need to be confronted with their instructor's sexual preferences. If I'm a student, I don't want to know. Just present the course material and get out of my face with the sex.

These perverts are free to seek employment at a more “tolerant” institution if they are unhappy with their lot at Notre Dame.
But, no. They want the institution to change its core beliefs.
How selfish, how arrogant, how totally wrong.

Since Notre Dame is not now a Catholic college, then I guess anything goes. Hell, they invited the Kenyan-born monster living in our White House who believes in infanticide and the brutal slaughter of over 3,300 American babies every single solitary day, so why not have homosexuals rampant on campus.

In telling her students the first day of class her sexual orientation, she’s obviously warning them how they must treat her. She’s entitled to extra privileges AND everyone must submit papers that somehow embrace and reflect her ideology. To do anything else would be intolerant and to complain would be hate.