Jorge Clavellina ("Dimond Data") Exposed Some of you might be aware of a wicked individual named Jorge Clavellina, or perhaps some have seen his deranged/pathetic hitpiece channel called "Dimond Data"…More
Jorge Clavellina ("Dimond Data") Exposed

Some of you might be aware of a wicked individual named Jorge Clavellina, or perhaps some have seen his deranged/pathetic hitpiece channel called "Dimond Data". He is extremely hostile toward MHFM. In fact, it's his personal mission from Satan to try & spread as many lies about Most Holy Family Monastery as possible. However, many don't know that what motivates this individual is a vengeance-fueled blaze of hatred.

The individual Jorge Clavellina's demonic hatred for MHFM is rooted back to several years ago, when the good Brothers rebuked him for pride, grave sins of impurity, his blasphemous activities & much more. Yet because he rejected correction & handled their advice (which he urgently needed) very poorly, God gave him up, and the devil took over... Now he has very tragically lost his mind & is a useful idiot of Satan, 100%.

This video reveals that he has contacted evil spirits, became a blasphemous false mystic, miserably neglected his duties as a father & husband to the point of bringing harm to his family... all while claiming to be a traditional Catholic. It's a very sad yet revealing story. The scriptures below come to mind. Traditional Catholics should be aware of this abominable heretic & block him.

And when an unclean spirit is gone out of a man he walketh through dry places seeking rest, and findeth none. Then he saith: I will return into my house from whence I came out. And coming he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished. Then he goeth, and taketh with him seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is made worse than the first...
— Matthew 12:43-45

The story of Jorge Clavellina should be a warning to us: that if we don't accept the truth from those whom God has placed upon our path, we could fall into a state of damnation we may never be able to get out of. Humility is so crucial a virtue, yet so easy to lose: it is so abundantly critical to sincerely seek this grace - to give up our selfish tendencies & safeguard true humility like the eternal treasure from Almighty God that it truly is. Without it, one cannot save their soul.

God resists the proud, and gives grace to the humble.
— James 4:6