"Gays" sue to make Christian Florist Homeless & Penniless for Declining to help "gay wedding" Adamandevenotsteve on Jan 10, 2015 Judge rules against florist in same-sex wedding case. A judge in the …More
"Gays" sue to make Christian Florist Homeless & Penniless for Declining to help "gay wedding"

Adamandevenotsteve on Jan 10, 2015 Judge rules against florist in same-sex wedding case. A judge in the State of Washington has ruled that a Christian florist violated a state anti-discrimination law when she refused to arrange flowers for a same-sex wedding.
The Associated Press, summarizing the decision, reported that the judge found that “the First Amendment protects religious beliefs but not necessarily actions based on those beliefs.” The judge held the 70-year-old florist, Barronelle Stutzman, personally liable in addition to holding her company liable.
“The message of these rulings is unmistakable: the government will bring about your personal and professional ruin if you don’t help celebrate same-sex marriage,” said Stutzman’s attorney, who will appeal the decision.