Catholic seminarian was killed for proclaiming Jesus Christ, admits assassin | SW News 115 shalomworld on May 6 2020 Michael Nnadi was killed for proclaiming Jesus Christ, admits assassin Michael Nnadi …More
Catholic seminarian was killed for proclaiming Jesus Christ, admits assassin | SW News 115

shalomworld on May 6 2020 Michael Nnadi was killed for proclaiming Jesus Christ, admits assassin Michael Nnadi, the Nigerian seminarian who was murdered in captivity earlier this year, had been killed for sharing the gospel. Nnadi was abducted by armed men from Good Shepherd seminary in Kaduna on January 9 with three other students for ransom. Though his fellow seminarians were released in the following days, Michael Nadi’s body was discovered and subsequently identified. Mustapha Mohammed, who claims to have killed the seminarian, is currently in prison in Abuja, Nigeria. In a telephone interview with the Nigerian newspaper, Daily Sun, Mustapha said that he killed Nnadi because he “continued preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ” to the captors. Mustapha is a young leader of a 45-member gang that attacked people for theft and ransom. He was uncomfortable with Nnadi’s advice to change his ways and “did not like the confidence displayed by the young man and decided to send him to an early grave,” reports the newspaper. In recent months, the Christian communities in Nigeria have been shaken with attacks on Christian villages, farms set ablaze, and women being taken as sex slaves and tortured. Faith of a quarter of Americans rise during the pandemic According to a new Pew Research Center survey, the faith of some Americans has strengthened as a result of the coronavirus outbreak. 24% of U.S. adults claim their faith has become stronger because of the pandemic, while 47% say their faith has not changed much. Only about 2% of American adults disclose their faith has become weaker. Americans in historically black Protestant churches and those who describe themselves as very religious are particularly likely to state their faith has deepened. In the survey, 27% of Catholics report their faith has become stronger. Pope Francis raises Cardinal Tagle to the rank of cardinal-bishop Pope Francis has raised Philippines Cardinal Louis Antonio Tagle to the rank of cardinal-bishop. It is the highest rank within the College of Cardinals. Cardinal Tagle has been serving as the prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples since December 2019. He is also the president of Caritas International. Cardinal Tagle had served as the archbishop of Manila for 8 years. Pope Francis has also elevated Cardinal Benjamin Stella, prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy to the rank of cardinal-bishop. Cardinal Benjamin Stella is an Italian cardinal. Pope Francis prays for doctors and priests who sacrificed their lives amidst pandemic Pope Francis, during the Holy Mass on Good Shepherd Sunday, prayed for doctors and priests who lost their lives caring for the sick amidst the pandemic. In the Holy Mass celebrated at Casa Santa Marta, the Pope said that they remind him of Jesus the Good Shepherd. More than 100 priests and 154 doctors have died in Italy due to COVID-19. Pope Francis said that the Church that Jesus wants is a “community of tenderness, of kindness, of meekness." The Holy Father concluded his homily by calling the Good Shepherd Sunday a beautiful Sunday of peace and tenderness. Ten abortion workers quit following spring campaign of 40 Days for Life The 40 Days for Life recently completed its spring campaign. In their Twitter post, the outcome of this campaign was presented. 484 babies were saved from abortion and 10 workers at abortion centers have quit their jobs, realizing the value of life. The pro-life organization efforts have also resulted in the closure of an abortion facility, taking the total of closed abortion facilities to 107. 40 Days for Life came into existence in the year 2004 when four individuals answered God’s call to launch a 40-day campaign of prayer and fasting, community outreach and a constant, peaceful vigil to end abortion. The first ever nationally coordinated campaign took place in 2007 spanning 33 states. So far, 17,226 lives have been saved through campaigns and a total of 206 abortion workers have quit their jobs. The organization has its presence in 63 countries. USCIRF publishes report on religious freedom The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) published its 2020 Annual Report on April 28. The Annual Report of USCIRF has documented progress and setbacks for religious freedom in 29 countries from around the globe in 2019. The report shows that practicing Christianity continues to be dangerous in many countries. The report identifies the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea as one among the worst countries for religious freedom. Christian persecution in Nigeria is also highlighted in the report. Considering the “systematic, on-going, egregious violations” encouraged or tolerated by the Governments, the countries are classified into “Countries of Particular Concern” (CPCs) and countries on “Special Watch List” (SWL).