Millenial Reign Theories Vs. The Second Coming - When Do The Faithful "Reign With Christ A Thousand Years"? [Apoc. 20] Some Protestants & others believe that before the Second Coming, Jesus will rule …More
Millenial Reign Theories Vs. The Second Coming - When Do The Faithful "Reign With Christ A Thousand Years"? [Apoc. 20]

Some Protestants & others believe that before the Second Coming, Jesus will rule a secular kingdom on earth. What they fail to see is that 1) The millennial reign is not necessarily a secular reign. 2) a secular reign is incompatible with the wrath & final judgment prophesied to come with Jesus' return, & 3) the reign already occured. Apocalypse 20 prophesied the period when the kingdom of God on earth (the Catholic Church) would spiritually rule: Catholic empires, miracles, saints & missionaries spread the Gospel across the whole world — in a way that overwhelmingly surpassed any Protestant or "Orthodox" 'proselytizing' in success. The "thousand years" is not literal, as explained by St. Augustine:

Haydock Commentary on Revelation 20, 1811: “Cap. vii. p. 580, he [St. Augustine] says that some Catholics not understanding rightly the first resurrection, have been led into ridiculous fables, and this by the interpretation which they put on the thousand years; as if the first resurrection implied a resurrection of the bodies of the martyrs and saints, who should live on the earth with Christ for a thousand years before the general resurrection, in all manner of delights. This was the opinion of those called Millenarians... but if for carnal pleasures, it can only be believed by carnal men... Cap. ix, p. 586, he expounds those words, (ver. 4-5) I saw the souls of them that were beheaded….and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years… He takes notice that the present state of the Church is many times called the kingdom of God, and that the Church of Christ reigns now with Christ, both in the living saints and in those who are dead, in the souls of the martyrs, and of others, who having lived and died piously... not yet in their bodies, but their souls reign with him...”

For critical information on the end times, see the video:

Apocalypse Now In The Vatican