Newsweek @Newsweek Republican Sen. Shelley Moore Capito called out the EPA for granting $50 million to a "radical" climate justice group.More

Republican Sen. Shelley Moore Capito called out the EPA for granting $50 million to a "radical" climate justice group.
Or like Catholic Family Services on the border where illegals are coming in; getting huge piles of money, plus their work with unaccompanied minors looks like the same as other agencies; blind eye.
What else can you expect from a government that gives hundreds of millions of dollars every year to genocidal slaughterhouses like “Planned Parenthood” to murder innocent little babies in their own mother’s womb? What other horrors and atrocities would they not be willing to pay for? How much lower can you go, once you reach the point where you decide it’s a good and normal thing to pay for the …More
What else can you expect from a government that gives hundreds of millions of dollars every year to genocidal slaughterhouses like “Planned Parenthood” to murder innocent little babies in their own mother’s womb? What other horrors and atrocities would they not be willing to pay for? How much lower can you go, once you reach the point where you decide it’s a good and normal thing to pay for the apocalyptic obliteration of babies? If a government is willing to annually fund the unspeakable bloody butchering of untold MILLIONS of its own children, who are senselessly and brutally dismembered and sucked out of their mother’s body like an exterminator eradicating vermin, then you already know they are willing use taxpayer dollars for other less nefarious purposes. This $50 million is peanuts compared to what the U.S. government hands over to the murderers of infants to fund and operate their charnel houses of death and despair every single year, where whole generations have been liquidated from the earth by those whom our government PAYS very well to wallow in the madness of their iniquity and in the degeneracy of their ceaseless abominations. And like the idolatrous pagans of antiquity who sacrificed their children to obtain or increase prosperity, burning them alive upon the false altars of their demonic gods, we too, in cowardice sit idly by and allow it to happen.
It's no longer a secret that our government is no longer about the "common good"