Passionist seminarians dressed as nuns do dance. Passionist seminarians dressed as nuns do danceMore
Passionist seminarians dressed as nuns do dance.

Passionist seminarians dressed as nuns do dance
What a mockery.
Que verguenza con Dios....que dolor para Santa Gema Galgani, San Pablo de La Cruz y otros Santos pasionistas que ni en sus peores pesadillas vieron que la vida consagrada fuera a ser pisoteada de tal manera. Si estos pobres seminaristas asi se burlan de las cosas santas, que pensaran de La Sagrada Eucaristia donde Esta Vivo El Santo de los Santos?
Mit Verlaub: Affig. Warum müssen sich Kleriker ständig der
Lächerlichkeit preisgeben? 🤦
@Monika: 👏 👏 👏
Ich stelle hier noch die ehrenwerte sigmatisierte heilige Gemma Galgani ein.
Für so ein Verhalten sollte man sich wirklich fremdschämen. Sie haben nicht als Nonnen rumzutanzen sondern die Leiden unseres Herrn Jesu Christi und seiner gebenedeiten Mutter zu betrachten *brrrrr*
@Monika: 👏 👏 👏

Ich stelle hier noch die ehrenwerte sigmatisierte heilige Gemma Galgani ein.


Für so ein Verhalten sollte man sich wirklich fremdschämen. Sie haben nicht als Nonnen rumzutanzen sondern die Leiden unseres Herrn Jesu Christi und seiner gebenedeiten Mutter zu betrachten *brrrrr*

Monika Elisabeth
Passionisten? SO sehen Passionisten aus:
Ein vorbildlicher Heiliger aus dem Schoße der Passionisten. Er würde sich ob dieser Veranstaltung im Video die Haare raufen, wenn das im Himmel möglich wäre!More
Passionisten? SO sehen Passionisten aus:


Ein vorbildlicher Heiliger aus dem Schoße der Passionisten. Er würde sich ob dieser Veranstaltung im Video die Haare raufen, wenn das im Himmel möglich wäre!
und warum dieses Verkleiden? Wollten die Männer mal Frauen sein?? 🙄 bekloppt! 🤒
The Passionist are rather disturbing. I know of one Father Edward Beck who started out with the Sundaymass.com for the Passionists in New York. Now he has been a big contributor for CNN regarding the election of Pope Francis. He is also an interviewer for ABC family in the USA. From what I watched of him and have just heard of him, with his recent excitement over Pope Francis and his possible …More
The Passionist are rather disturbing. I know of one Father Edward Beck who started out with the Sundaymass.com for the Passionists in New York. Now he has been a big contributor for CNN regarding the election of Pope Francis. He is also an interviewer for ABC family in the USA. From what I watched of him and have just heard of him, with his recent excitement over Pope Francis and his possible acceptance of same-sex unions, which I have the audio of him on CNN discussing this.

With the start of this story started about 2 years ago when ABC Family started air broadcasts of the SundayMass every Sunday morning. Around that time I would watch online, the Passionist Dailymass from St. Ann's Basilica in Scranton PA. The Dailymass.com was the first website to have a video recording of the daily mass on-line for about 10 to 15 years. They dailymass was pretty much by the rules of the current missal romanum, in the current rite. They also had the Sundaymass.com which was the same kind of thing, but for Sunday. The Sundaymass.com is done in New York City at different locations. The Sundaymass.com though did not always follow the order of the current missal romanum and would do experiments. Yuck!

Now I am only getting started. The Sunday Mass once it got picked up by ABC Family need more money for sponsership and after awhile of "lack of funds" the Passionists decided to shut down the DailyMass.com and focus on the Sunday Mass so they could keep the Sunday Mass on ABC family. Shortly after this time Father Beck became a regular contributor to ABC News. During this time he went off during the last election to say that that the Catholic Church has had no problem with Mormonism and Mormons are Christian! He also has become an interviewer of Celebrities and oh how wonderful they are. He also decided to state on the Sunday mass that he just didn't want to make a "political statement" in regards to the HHS mandate back in 2012. After this I just refused to watch this anymore!

Also after Dolan became Cardinal he celebrated Mass with the Passionists right away in NY. They seem to have some kind of connection to one another and it is odd how everything is going in such a liberal direction.

I am sorry for such a long post but I had to tell this story.
The angel of Fatima to the three shepherd children....
"What are you doing? You must pray! Pray! The Hearts of Jesus and Mary have merciful designs for you. You must offer your prayers and sacrifices to God, The Most High.
St. Paul of the Cross, pray for us!
St. Gemma Galgani, pray for us!More
The angel of Fatima to the three shepherd children....

"What are you doing? You must pray! Pray! The Hearts of Jesus and Mary have merciful designs for you. You must offer your prayers and sacrifices to God, The Most High.

St. Paul of the Cross, pray for us!

St. Gemma Galgani, pray for us!
More Fun and Laughter brought to you by the Novus Ordo Nightmare!
When heretics and enemies of Holy Church make fun of sacred life I can understand it though never justify their blasphemy. But THIS outrageous offense cannot be tolerated! Where is their superior? Where the bishop? Where any ecclesial authority to stop and punish that behaviour? ... And nothing to say about trasvesti conducts hidden in such "fun"....
🤫 🤬 😡 Was besseres, als sich zum Kasperle zu machen haben diese Mönche wohl nicht zu tun, oder? Schade! Möge Gott ihnen helfen und sie auf den richtigen Weg zurückholen. Wie wäre es mit einer stillen Anbetung in der Zeit? Ich hatte mal gehört die Aufgabe der Fratres wäre es apokalyptisches Zeugnis abzulegen. Also ich stelle mir da grundsätzlich etwas anderes, als solch einen Schmarrn. 🤨 🤨
Catherine A.
If this is the typical priestly vocation the Catholic Church can produce today, we should be ready for the chastisement soon. No respect for consecrated women and the pop song chosen is outrageous. I hope they all leave the seminary asap - if not sooner!