The Synod of Bishops and Divine Law by Roberto de Mattei

The Synod of Bishops in October will discuss on the basis of Instrumentum laboris – “the worksheet” which summarizes the responses to the “preliminary questionnaire” received from the Bishop Conferences, ministries, and more in general - dioceses, parishes, movements, ecclesial associations,[all] consulted on the topic of marriage and the family. Besides the sociological slant which characterizes it, the document contains some disturbing passages. One of these is the implicit and often explicit devaluation of the idea of the natural law. In the Instrumentum laboris, in fact, we find this: “In a vast majority of responses and observations, the concept of natural law today turns out to be, in different cultural contexts, highly problematic, if not completely incomprehensible.” (n.21) The solution suggested would be to abandon the concept and term of the natural law, or “to re-read” it in accessible language, with particular attention to the young being part as a direct interlocutor on these themes.

We seem to understand then, that since the Catholic world no longer comprehends the idea of the natural law, it might as well be shelved and substituted by something more suited to the current mentality.

This position appears even more surprising as all the recent Pontiffs had vigorously proclaimed the importance of the natural law.

Paul VI in his encyclical Humanae Vitae, of July 25, 1968, with regard to the moral doctrine of marriage, taught that this is “a teaching which is based on the natural law as illuminated and enriched by divine Revelation.” (Humane Vitae, no. 4). Pope Montini referred to the natural law in order to reiterate that, according to the Church, “every marital act must of necessity retain its intrinsic relationship to the procreation of human life.” (Humane Vitae, no.11).

In the encyclical Evangelium Vitae of March 25, 1995, John Paul II based the sacred value of human life (from its very beginning until its end) on the same law. In this important document, he affirms “every person sincerely open to truth and goodness can, by the light of reason and the hidden action of grace, come to recognize in the natural law written in the heart (cf. Rom 2:14-15) the sacred value of human life from its very beginning until its end” (no.2). In the encyclical, Veritatis Splendor, of the August 6, 1993,the Pope who has just been canonized, denounced the rejection of the natural law as the fruit of “a more or less obvious influence of currents of thought which end by detaching human freedom from its essential and constitutive relationship with the Truth.” [It is] on the basis of such a law – he affirmed on February 6, 2004 – that a platform of shared values can be built, around which constructive dialogue is developed with all men of good will, and more in general, with secular society.”

Also Benedict XVI frequently referred to the importance of this doctrine “there is an urgent need to reflect upon the question of natural law and to rediscover its truth" which "is common to all mankind.” [...] “All legal systems, both internal and international, ultimately draw their legitimacy from their rooting in natural law, in the ethical message inscribed in human beings themselves. The natural law is, definitively, the only valid bulwark against the abuse of power and the deceits of ideological manipulation.” (Discourse at the Pontifical Lateran University, February 12, 2007).

In a clear little volume dedicated to The Natural Law in The Doctrine of the Church (Consult Editrice, Rome, 2008), Cardinal Zenon Grocholewski, Prefect for the Congregation of Catholic Education, explained how the ordinary Magisterium, on the primary level of its infallible teaching, includes, alongside the deposit of the faith, whatever is connected to it, ergo, also the natural law. Therefore, the natural law which the Church is guardian of, enjoys infallibility. Not even the Pope, who exercises absolute authority inside the Church, can modify or render relative the Divine and Natural Law, which he has the duty to transmit, diffuse and defend. Those who are asking the Church to update Her morality i.e. putting cohabitating couples on a par with the family, are asking the Church to exercise an authority which She does not have.

Alongside the declarations of Pontiffs, the numerous interventions of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith should be remembered and in particular the document, Considerations Regarding Proposals To Give Legal Recognition to Unions Between Homosexual Persons, of June 3, 2003, dedicated to restating the truth of marriage. The entire question is treated starting from the concept of natural morality. In this text from the Magisterium it is stated clearly that “there are absolutely no grounds for considering homosexual unions to be in any way similar or even remotely analogous to God’s plan for marriage and family. Marriage is holy, while homosexual acts go against the natural moral law.” (no.4).

The natural law is not a confessional truth, but in primis, a truth that belongs to universal right reason. It is in fact, an objective reality written in nature, not of this or that man, but in human nature itself considered as such, in its permanence and stability. In this sense it is not a law imposed from the outside, but, as Leo XIII in the Encyclical, Libertas, June 20, 1888, informs us, it is indelibly written, rather “engraved in the soul of every man”. The difference between the natural law and any other positive law, is that the positive laws are elaborated by men, that is to say external, whereas the natural law belongs to the spiritual nature of man himself.

The main difficulty in the understanding of the natural law is in the fact that today the notion of nature [itself] has been lost. Pope Benedict XVI noted that the natural law has become “an almost incomprehensible word for many due to a no longer metaphysical concept of nature, but a merely empirical one.” (Address, February 12, 2007). The natural law is not in fact the physical-biological law of human nature, but the moral and metaphysical order of creation, which man can discover through his reason.

All the Fathers and Doctors of the Church spoke about this law, defining it at times as the scintilla animae, the spark which enlightens conscience. St.Thomas Aquinas is the one who studied and summarized the concept best, defining it as “the participation of the eternal law in rational creatures.” (Summa Theologiae, I-II, q. 91, a.2).

If the concept of the natural law is lost, we will be compelled to accept the theory of gender based on the denial of the very concept of human nature. Man is thought of as a purely material entity, modifiable at will, according to the needs and interests of the moment.

The natural law which comes down from God, is substituted by positive law imposed by pressures from political and mass-media groups. Instead of reflecting on the natural and Divine Law, laws and human behavior are adapting to the opinion of fluctuating and anti-Christian trends.

It is clear that on this issue, the discussion at the next Synod of Bishops will be very hot.

[Translation: Contributor Francesca Romana]…/editorial-synod…
adeste fideles
El Sínodo y el Magisterio ordinario de la Iglesia
por Roberto de Mattei
A medida que el Sínodo de 2015 avanza cargado de problemas desconocidos y [muchos], una pregunta principal queda para discusión. ¿Cuál es la autoridad de los documentos eclesiásticos que pueden ser producidos por el Magisterio ordinario de un Papa o Sínodo?
Los progresistas, o mejor los neo-…More
El Sínodo y el Magisterio ordinario de la Iglesia
por Roberto de Mattei

A medida que el Sínodo de 2015 avanza cargado de problemas desconocidos y [muchos], una pregunta principal queda para discusión. ¿Cuál es la autoridad de los documentos eclesiásticos que pueden ser producidos por el Magisterio ordinario de un Papa o Sínodo?

Los progresistas, o mejor los neo-modernistas, atribuyen un carácter infalible a todos los actos del actual Pontífice y a los resultados del próximo Sínodo, cualquiera que sea. Dicen que tenemos que obedecer estos actos, ya que, como en el caso del Concilio Vaticano II, el Papa o los obispos unidos a él no pueden caer en el error. Por otro lado, los propios progresistas niegan un valor infalible a las enseñanzas de la Encíclica Humanae Vitae de Pablo VI, y afirman que la moralidad tradicional en el campo matrimonial debe actualizarse, adaptándose a las "convicciones experimentadas" de los católicos que practicar la anticoncepción, la inseminación artificial y la cohabitación no matrimonial.

En el primer caso, parecen reconocer la infalibilidad del Magisterio Universal Ordinario, identificándolo con el Magisterio viviente del Papa y los Obispos después del Vaticano II; en el segundo caso niegan la infalibilidad del verdadero concepto del Magisterio Universal Ordinario, expresado a través de la Tradición de la Iglesia, según la famosa fórmula de Vicente de Lerins: quod semper, quod ubique, quod ab omnibus.

Nos encontramos frente a un evidente vuelco de las verdades de la fe con respecto al Magisterio eclesiástico. La doctrina de la Iglesia enseña de hecho que cuando el Papa, solo o en unión con los obispos, habla ex cathedra, es ciertamente infalible. Pero para que un pronunciamiento se considere ex cathedra, se requieren algunos requisitos: 1) debe hablar en la medida en que es Papa y Pastor de la Iglesia Universal; 2) el asunto en que se expresa debe considerar la fe o las tradiciones; 3) sobre este objeto debe pronunciar un juicio solemne y definitivo, con la intención de unir a todos los fieles.

Si solo falta una de estas condiciones, el Magisterio Pontificio (o Conciliar) permanece auténtico, pero no es infalible. Es decir, no significa que sea incorrecto, sino que simplemente significa que no es inmune al error; es, en una palabra, falible. Sin embargo, debemos agregar que la infalibilidad de la Iglesia no se limita al caso extraordinario del Papa, quien, solo o en unión con los obispos, habla ex cathedra, pero se extiende también al Magisterio Universal Ordinario. Para aclarar este punto, veamos un artículo del Padre Marcelino Zalba (1908 - 2009), sobre la Infalibilidad del Magisterio Universal Universal y la Contracepción, que apareció en el número de enero - marzo de 1979 de la revista "Renovatio" del Cardenal Giuseppe Siri ( pp.79-90).

El autor, considerado uno de los moralistas más confiables de su tiempo, recordó que otros dos notables teólogos estadounidenses, John C. Ford y Gerald Kelly, en 1963, precisamente cinco años antes de la promulgación de la Encíclica Humanae Vitae de Pablo VI, tenían estudió el nivel de certeza y verdad que debe atribuirse en el campo teológico a la Doctrina Católica Tradicional con respecto a la inmoralidad intrínseca y grave de la anticoncepción (John C. Ford SJ, Gerald Kelly, SJ Teología Moral Contemporánea, volumen 2, Preguntas sobre el Matrimonio, Newman , Westminster 1964, pp. 263 - 271).

Según los dos teólogos jesuitas, esta es una doctrina que debe considerarse normativa para la conducta de los fieles. De hecho, sería inconcebible que la Iglesia católica, ayudada por el Espíritu Santo en la conservación de la doctrina y la moral evangélica, hubiera afirmado explícitamente en numerosas intervenciones que los actos anticonceptivos son una grave violación objetiva de la ley de Dios, si no fuera así en realidad. Con una intervención errónea, la Iglesia habría sido la causa de innumerables pecados mortales, contradiciendo la promesa de la asistencia divina de Jesucristo.

Uno de los dos teólogos morales, el Padre Ford, en colaboración con el filósofo Germain Grisez, examinó este problema en profundidad en una obra posterior: Anticoncepción e Infalibilidad del Magisterio Ordinario ("Theological Studies", 39 (1978), pp. 258 -312). Concluyeron que la doctrina de Humanae Vitae debería considerarse enseñanza infalible, no en virtud del acto de promulgación (que fue menos solemne y categórico, por ejemplo, que Casti Connubii por Pío XI), sino que confirmó el Magisterio Universal Ordinario. de los Papas y obispos en el mundo. Aunque no era en sí misma infalible, Humanae Vitae se convirtió así cuando, al condenar la anticoncepción, reafirmó una doctrina propuesta perennemente por el Magisterio Universal Ordinario de la Iglesia.

La constitución Dei Filius del Concilio Vaticano I, en el capítulo 3, determinó que puede haber verdades que deben ser creídas, con fe divina y católica en la Iglesia, sin necesidad de una definición solemne, ya que están expresadas en el Ordinario Magisterio universal. Las condiciones necesarias para la infalibilidad del Magisterio Universal Ordinario son que se trata de una doctrina con respecto a la fe o la moral, enseñada con autoridad en repetidas declaraciones de los Papas y Obispos, con un carácter incuestionable y vinculante.

La palabra universal no se entiende en el sentido sincrónico de una extensión del espacio en un período histórico particular, sino en el sentido diacrónico de la continuidad del tiempo, para expresar un consenso que abarca todas las épocas de la Iglesia (el cardenal Joseph Ratzinger, Nota doctrinal ilustrativa de la fórmula conclusiva de Professio fidei, 29 de junio de 1998, nota 17). Por ejemplo, en el caso del control de la natalidad, desde el siglo III la Iglesia ha condenado los métodos artificiales. A principios del siglo XIX, cuando volvió a surgir este problema, las declaraciones de los obispos, en unión con el Papa, declararon, en todo momento, como doctrina definitiva y vinculante de la Iglesia, que la anticoncepción era pecado mortal.

Las declaraciones explícitas de Pío XI, Pío XII y de todos sus sucesores confirmaron la enseñanza tradicional. Pablo VI en Humanae Vitae confirmó esta doctrina del Magisterio Ordinario, "basada en la ley natural iluminada y enriquecida por la Revelación Divina (n. 4) rechazando las conclusiones de la comisión pontificia, que habían estudiado este problema ya que estas" estaban en desacuerdo con el doctrina moral sobre el matrimonio constantemente enseñada por el Magisterio de la Iglesia "(n. ° 6).

La posición que el padre Zalba, el padre Kelly, el padre Ford y el profesor Grisez hacen con respecto a la anticoncepción puede extenderse a la inseminación artificial, a la cohabitación no casada o a los divorciados y a los que se vuelven a casar. Incluso en ausencia de declaraciones extraordinarias de la Iglesia sobre estos asuntos morales, el Magisterio Universal Ordinario de la Iglesia se ha declarado de manera coherente, constante y vinculante a lo largo de los siglos: debe considerarse infalible. Además, en el ámbito moral, la praxis nunca puede estar en contradicción con lo que la doctrina del Magisterio Universal ha establecido definitivamente.

Muy diferente es el tema de las innovaciones doctrinales incluidas en los documentos del Concilio Vaticano II. En esos casos, el Pontífice no solo falta un acto ex cathedra en unión con los obispos, sino que ninguno de los documentos fue expuesto de manera dogmática, con la intención de definir una verdad de fe o moralidad y de obligar al consentimiento de los obispos. los fieles. En esos documentos solo puede haber algunos pasajes infalibles donde se confirma la doctrina perenne de la Iglesia.Católica, de hecho, es eso que es universal, no lo que en un momento dado "en cada lugar" cree cada uno -que puede ocurrir en un Concilio o en un Sínodo- sino lo que perennemente es creído en todas partes por todos, sin equívocos y contradicciones . El debate hermenéutico aún en curso sobre las innovaciones de los textos del Vaticano II confirma su carácter provisional y discutible, de ninguna manera vinculante.

¿Cómo se puede esperar la obediencia ciega e incondicional a las innovaciones falibles del Concilio Vaticano II y del Sínodo sobre la Familia que pretenden contradecir las enseñanzas infalibles del Magisterio Universal Ordinario de la Iglesia sobre el tema de la moral conyugal?
adeste fideles
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
Someone has maliciously damaged some Gloria TV links converting the last part of the link in uppercase HTML so it becomes in a link that can not be found. I have also found several pages with news that were hidden manually.
Cardinal Dolan: Francis opened door to gay civil unions debate
"When he was still Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio of Buenos Aires, Francis reportedly tried to negotiate with the …
Someone has maliciously damaged some Gloria TV links converting the last part of the link in uppercase HTML so it becomes in a link that can not be found. I have also found several pages with news that were hidden manually.

Cardinal Dolan: Francis opened door to gay civil unions debate

"When he was still Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio of Buenos Aires, Francis reportedly tried to negotiate with the Argentine government over the legalization of gay marriage and signaled he would be open to civil unions as an alternative. A number of bishops around the world have said civil unions could be acceptable alternatives to same-sex marriage".…/d41e5c1e-a87d-1…
Argentine Transvesti Cardinal Bergolio permitted a homosexual ceremony in a Basilica of Buenos Aires Argentine Transvesti Cardinal Bergolio permitted a homosexual ceremony in a Basilica of Buenos Aires 🤨
Cardinal Bergoglio and Gay Civil Unions in Argentina Cardinal Bergoglio and Gay Civil Unions in Argentina
b) Concerning Unions of Persons of the Same Sex …More
Argentine Transvesti Cardinal Bergolio permitted a homosexual ceremony in a Basilica of Buenos Aires Argentine Transvesti Cardinal Bergolio permitted a homosexual ceremony in a Basilica of Buenos Aires 🤨
Cardinal Bergoglio and Gay Civil Unions in Argentina Cardinal Bergoglio and Gay Civil Unions in Argentina

b) Concerning Unions of Persons of the Same Sex
Civil Recognition
An Evaluation of the Particular Churches (113-115)
Some Pastoral Guidelines (116-119)
The Transmission of the Faith to Children in Same Sex Unions (120)…/rc_synod_doc_20…

The Transmission of the Faith to Children in Same Sex Unions
120. The responses are clearly opposed to legislation which would allow the adoption of children by persons in a same-sex union, because they see a risk to the integral good of the child, who has the right to have a mother and father, as pointed out recently by Pope Francis (cf. Address to Members of the International Catholic Child Bureau (BICE), 11 April 2014 ). However, when people living in such unions request a child’s baptism, almost all the responses emphasize that the child must be received with the same care, tenderness and concern which is given to other children. Many responses indicate that it would be helpful to receive more concrete pastoral directives in these situations. Clearly, the Church has the duty to ascertain the actual elements involved in transmitting the faith to the child. Should a reasonable doubt exist in the capability of persons in a same sex union to instruct the child in the Christian faith, proper support is to be secured in the same manner as for any other couple seeking the baptism of their children. In this regard, other people in their family and social surroundings could also provide assistance. In these cases, the pastor is carefully to oversee the preparation for the possible baptism of the child, with particular attention given to the choice of the godfather and godmother.

Cardinal Dolan: Francis opened door to gay civil unions debate

"When he was still Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio of Buenos Aires, Francis reportedly tried to negotiate with the Argentine government over the legalization of gay marriage and signaled he would be open to civil unions as an alternative. A number of bishops around the world have said civil unions could be acceptable alternatives to same-sex marriage".…/d41e5c1e-a87d-1…

Francis opened the door to homosexuality and same-sex civil unions.
ROME, March 13, 2014 (
– Citing the “new paradigm” of Pope Francis one year after his election to the throne of Peter, the archbishop of Lucca in Tuscany suggested to an interviewer this week on the Italian state television network, RAI, that the time has come for the Church to become more open to homosexuality and same-sex civil unions.
“All diversity is wealth,” Archbishop Benvenuto Castellani said in reply to a question from an interviewer about Church acceptance of homosexuality.
The archbishop’s frank remarks are part of a shift in public pronouncements on homosexuality from many Church leaders under Pope Francis in the wake of his famous remark, “Who am I to judge?” In that vein, earlier this week Cardinal Timothy Dolan publicly congratulated an American football star for “coming out” as an active homosexual.…/as-pope-marks-f…

The 77-year-old Francis may be an unlikely maverick in Rome, but he's been following the same playbook for decades in Buenos Aires, says the Rev. Gustavo Morello, an expert on Argentina's Catholic history.
But conservatives didn't like Bergoglio much, Morello says.
The future Pope once knelt before Pentecostal pastors and asked for a blessing. He argued that the state should recognize same-sex civil unions. He had no use for high-church liturgy or fancy vestments…/pope-francis-su……/index.html
🤦 🤮 Content about Instrumentum laboris
Vatican global discussion paper backs baptizing children of gay couples A new Vatican working paper which was the result of a worldwide survey of Catholics reiterates the church’s opposition to same-sex marriage but found nearly all Catholics thought having gay parents should not be a barrier to a child being baptized into the faith A new Vatican report …More
🤦 🤮 Content about Instrumentum laboris
Vatican global discussion paper backs baptizing children of gay couples A new Vatican working paper which was the result of a worldwide survey of Catholics reiterates the church’s opposition to same-sex marriage but found nearly all Catholics thought having gay parents should not be a barrier to a child being baptized into the faith A new Vatican report which will be the basis of a meeting of bishops in October has conceded that many Catholics now support the legal recognition of same-sex unions in countries where they are legal but reiterates the church’s opposition to such unions being recognized. The Instrumentum Laboris working paper will be the basis of the upcoming Synod on the Family which has been organized by Pope Francis I to revisit the Catholic Church’s position on a range of issues related to marriage, sexuality and family. - See more at: laboris