MY SUNSHINE DAUGHTER OF SACRIFICE - murdered for Christ - Interview with Teresa Part 1 of 3 Download her book at: www.jesus.707.cz "This true story not only lets you see the unfailing devotion of a …More
MY SUNSHINE DAUGHTER OF SACRIFICE - murdered for Christ - Interview with Teresa Part 1 of 3

Download her book at: www.jesus.707.cz
"This true story not only lets you see the unfailing devotion of a 19 year old girl who even through hours of torture, gave her life for our heavenly Father, it is also a look into the world in which we live. Specifically, it gives insight into how occult influence has made inroads even into our government, law enforcement and judicial systems. The message is, if we are putting our trust in anything or anyone other than God, we will be in for a rude awakening. Quote written by Sunshine in her bible: "If we meet and you forget me, you've lost nothing. But if you meet Jesus and forget Him, you've lost everything." Thousands said they have become closer to God and Christ through reading this book. I hope, beloved, that through this book you'll meet Jesus. Author, Teresa"
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