adeste fideles

The trip of Francis to South America is a disaster in the making ?

Vox Cantoris

... If some of these instances were not so outright scandalous they might be considered as sick jokes. These instances reveal deep problems with this papacy and the people in the Vatican in general and specifically with the men that surround Francis. Charitably, we must assume they are ..clumsy., but they are most likely must more than that. Manipulative, evil, destructive, Christ-hating monsters. Freemasons, communists and homosexuals have have no faith and no fear of the Lord.

I will make three points.

The Francis homily requesting the people of Ecuador to "pray fervently for this intention, (the Synod) so that Christ can take even what might seem to us impure, scandalous or threatening, and turn it -- by making it part of his 'hour' -- into a miracle. Families today need this miracle!"

A comment that Fr. Federico Lombardi said the Bishop of Rome did not refer to anything specific.

Really Padre Lombardi?

Do you think we're stupid?

Then we have the socialist El Presidente with the bad haircut presentin the pope with a Corpus of Our Lord on a communist hammer and sickle. We are told the Pope said, "this is not okay." Or he may have said "I did not know that" after it was explained to him. Did he say the first? The second? Both? It does not matter, The Pope should have handed this blasphemy right back to the tinpot dictator who has disgraced his country. What Vatican official would not have known the protocols that gifts to the "leaders" are discussed beforehand? El Presidente also put an "pectoral cross" of this blasphemy around the Pope's neck.

Lombardi assures us that the monstrosity will not end up in a Church.

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