

MY ROSARY PLEDGE “Give me an army saying the Rosary, and I will conquer the world!” Blessed Pope Pius IX Throughout History, the recitation of the Rosary has obtained many miracles, especially in …More
“Give me an army saying the Rosary, and I will conquer the world!”
Blessed Pope Pius IX
Throughout History, the recitation of the Rosary has obtained many miracles, especially in desperate times, whether during the Battle of Lepanto in 1571 or the Soviet invasion of Austria in 1955.
Our modern times are desperate indeed. Our Faith and our families are under attack. Evil seems to advance everywhere through the culture of death, the loss of Faith, the propagation of abortion, the legalization of euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide, the legalization of homosexual marriage and the rampant confusion in the world and even in the Church.
Yet now more than ever, we pray and we hope! We hope in God's mercy, we hope in Our Lord and in Our Lady. We hope in the power of the Holy Rosary.
Here is a sample of what Our Lady, Saints and Popes have said about the Rosary:
“You shall obtain all you ask of me by recitation of the Rosary.” One of the 15 promises Our Lady herself gave …More
Útok na nebo - výzva pre všetkých katolíkov, modliť sa za Cirkev!
Kardinál Burke vyzýva tento rok všetkých katolíkov k tomu, aby sa modliliruženec - vždy v prvý deň v mesiaci, / 1.12 / na úmysel Cirkvi, ktorá je na tom zle v týchto časoch a na úmysel pokoja katolíkov do srdca. Do prvého dňa v mesiaci nám zostáva... pár hodín...NEZABUDNIME NA RUZENEC s TYMTO UMYSLOM 🙏