Graphic: LIVE Abortion Video on Display in Washington. LIVE Abortion Video on Display in Washington, DC Jan. 21-22 Columbus, OH – January 19, 2015 - As we enter the 42nd year of decriminalized child-…More
Graphic: LIVE Abortion Video on Display in Washington.
LIVE Abortion Video on Display in Washington, DC Jan. 21-22
Columbus, OH – January 19, 2015 - As we enter the 42nd year of decriminalized child-killing, thousands will gather for marches and rallies in Washington, DC and statehouses across America on or around the anniversary of Roe v. Wade. This anniversary provides all of us an appropriate time to shed light on the primary victims of abortion – preborn children.
Watch: Our NEW "Resistance" video
The day before and day of the DC March For Life will be marked by Created Equal, Defend Life, and other groups showing actual abortions using our NEW Jumbo TV technology at two locations in downtown DC.
Jan. 21, 2015 from 11:00AM-5:00PM – JumboTV outreach at Farragut Square located at the corner of 17th St. NW and K St. NW. See MAP.
Jan 22, 2015 from 9:00AM-4:00PM – JumboTV outreach in front of the Canadian Embassy located at 501 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Washington, DC 20001 (This …More
It does matter M "Blow Job"77! Will you adopt 10+ kids that are born to single mothers who can't afford to raise their infant? Obviously, you missed the boat on rape b/c if you were a victim, you would get it but you don't! Some women/teen girls don't wait a daily, constant reminder of their rapist but you didn't think 'bout that? You're a sorry excuse for a human being by shaming the rape victims …More
It does matter M "Blow Job"77! Will you adopt 10+ kids that are born to single mothers who can't afford to raise their infant? Obviously, you missed the boat on rape b/c if you were a victim, you would get it but you don't! Some women/teen girls don't wait a daily, constant reminder of their rapist but you didn't think 'bout that? You're a sorry excuse for a human being by shaming the rape victims I agree you're a Dumb as "F" Arrogant, heartless MFer!