Horrific. Transman who had previously been diagnosed with depression was then given a gender dysphoria diagnosis. They started taking hormones in 2018 and had surgery to remove breast tissue in 2019. Weeks later Max Cresham committed suicide

Transgender barber, 25, hanged himself after suffering low mood following surgery, inquest hears

Transgender barber, 25, hanged himself while transitioning to become a man after suffering with a 'low …
You're half-right, though the examples you gave are somewhat out of date. This is a fascinating subject, one that's very deliberately avoided in contemporary psychiatry. When it's discussed at all, political correctness neuters any meaningful examination.
While it's true many homosexuals are rejected by their own families, the same is often true of those who convert to Catholicism. People who are …More
You're half-right, though the examples you gave are somewhat out of date. This is a fascinating subject, one that's very deliberately avoided in contemporary psychiatry. When it's discussed at all, political correctness neuters any meaningful examination.

While it's true many homosexuals are rejected by their own families, the same is often true of those who convert to Catholicism. People who are rejected by their families tend to develop new emotional support networks. Catholic converts invariably do so through parish social events. Converts often "live for" their parish and are heavily involved in its social life because it's all they have.

The same happens among homosexuals, They develop close groups of friends among their own kind which are a self-conscious "surrogate family". Employment-wise, they're a favored and "protected" minority-group particularly in well-paying professional fields. Human Resources has no mercy for the work-place homophobe. Adding to that, they're actively sought out to meet "quotas" and short of gross negligence or malfeasance, rarely dismissed. It's difficult to make a claim they're isolated either socially since homosexuals have developed a separate culture that overlaps our own, one unique to their own interests and appetites. There are even "gay villages" in many large cities where they can live, shop, and socialize entirely among their own kind. During the long recession, many small dying "vacation towns" successfully re-invented themselves as "LGBT vacation venues" and overtly pander to them.

No, the root cause of their proclivity towards suicide is found entirely within their own social framework. Indirectly, the reason you gave is in fact the correct one. Homosexuals are prone to suicide because they eventually become outcasts -among their own kind. Homosexual culture prizes youth and beauty and physical attractiveness. The same superficiality that form the backbone of mainstream heterosexual "party" culture and "beauty" culture today, are literally everything to them. The "party" never ends. Every year, new young and physically attractive people join it. But likewise, every year, one by one, others find they're "too old" for that party -no matter how much time they spend at the gym.

Think of the plight older homosexuals face. The "party" is still going every night and they know it. They were part of it once, but now their youthful appearance has fled and they're consistently spurned (even mocked) by the objects of their desire. They may have a nice job, a group of close friends that passes for a "family", but ultimately they're forced to realize they're alone. Despite the media's incessant demands for recognition and equal treatment, marriage among homosexuals is comparatively rare. Solitude and rejection from their own kind is ultimately what robs them of the will to live.

At the ages when heterosexuals have long settled into married life or are at least (sinfully) living together with or without offspring, homosexuals look around them and see... nothing. They can't even secure the kind of fleeting casual "hook-ups" they want. The older and wealthier ones can buy the services of pysically attractive "escorts". But even they eventually resent having to pay huge sums for what is freely given to others with youth and beauty. Again, the same emotional and physical aridity begins to poison their lives. For them, regardless of their material success, the party is truly over and that's what ultimately kills off many of them.

That's the overview for the subculture as a whole. For "transgender" people that same rejection by their own kind comes much more swiftly and at a much younger age. At some point they realize even after any number of surgeries, they still can't "pass" for the other gender.

The politicized homosexual and medical communities endlessly promote those astonishingly rare exceptions who can (and do) fully appear as members of the opposite gender. The reality for most "transgender" people is far more grim.

They look... wrong... it's obvious every time they look in the mirror. Even if they manage to lie to themselves, their fellow homosexuals have no reason to do so. Women want a -real- woman; men want a -real- man. There are plenty to choose from and no reason to accept a botched surgical imitation. Added to this, "transgender" people play havoc with their own metabolisms to maintain that artificial appearance. They're prone to bizarre emotional problems caused by warping their hormone balance. Even if they can weather those storms without self-destructiong, age is even more destructive to such artificial appearances than it is to natural ones. So-called "transgender" people are constantly at war with their own bodies and eventually they lose. They always lose.

Transgender people turn themselves into a mockery of the gender God didn't grant them and in doing so, their lives eventually become painful testaments to the truth of Galations 6: 7-8

"Be not deceived, God is not mocked. For what things a man shall sow, those also shall he reap. For he that soweth in his flesh, of the flesh also shall reap corruption..."