Tim Staples vs. Steve Gregg Day 3 Main topic is Mary. Tim Staples, a former Assemblies of God youth pastor, is a convert to the Catholic Church. During his days as a Protestant, he was convinced that …More
Tim Staples vs. Steve Gregg Day 3 Main topic is Mary.
Tim Staples, a former Assemblies of God youth pastor, is a convert to the Catholic Church. During his days as a Protestant, he was convinced that the Catholic Church and most of its teachings were "unbiblical," and he used many biblical arguments trying to demonstrate that. Now, as a Catholic, he is a leading defender of the Catholic Church and in this discussion he gives you step-by-step answers to some of the most common arguments thrown at Catholics. You'll learn how to engage in apologetics with confidence and effectiveness. Packed with scriptural evidence for Catholicism, this discussion shows you the basics of apologetics!
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