Jewish Rabbi Speaking at Rally in NYC Protesting the Israeli Forced Draft. Speech by Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro at an anti-Zionist rally outside the Israeli Consulate in New York City, on Friday June 21, …More
Jewish Rabbi Speaking at Rally in NYC Protesting the Israeli Forced Draft.
Speech by Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro at an anti-Zionist rally outside the Israeli Consulate in New York City, on Friday June 21, 2019. The rally was held in response to recent escalation of the drafting of girls into the Israeli army and the recent arrest of 3 women activists for providing legal advice to girls facing military draft.
That moment when @mattsixteen24 realizes sainthood and Papal infallibility are not the same thing. :D www.logicallyfallacious.com/…/Appeal-to-Autho…
"God Hates the Jews, and on Judgment Day He will say to those who sympathize with them: “Depart from Me, for you have had intercourse with My murderers!” Flee, then, from their assemblies, fly from their houses, and, far from venerating the synagogue, hold it in hatred and aversion."
~ St. John Chrysostom