THE ASSEMBLY OF CATHOUC ORDINARIES OF THE HOLY LAND Prot. n. 37/2023 Jerusalem. October 11 2023 "Sincc htlsnoithe God ofdisordcr but ofpeace" (1 Cor. 14,33) Dcar broihers and sisters. may the Lord indecd …More
Prot. n. 37/2023
Jerusalem. October 11 2023
"Sincc htlsnoithe God ofdisordcr but ofpeace" (1 Cor. 14,33)
Dcar broihers and sisters.
may the Lord indecd givc us His peacc!
The pain and dismay at what is Happening is great. Once again we find oursclves in the midst of a
political and military crisis. We have suddcnly been catapultcd into a sea of unpreccdcnted
violencc. The hatrcd, which we have unfortunately already been expcriencing for too long, will
incrcasc even more, and the ensuing spiral of violencc will create more destruction. Evcrything
seems to speak ofdeath.
Yet, in this time of sottow and dismay, we do not want to remain helpless. We cannot let death and
its sting (1 Cor 15:55) bc the only word we hear.
Thal is why we fccl the need to pray, to tum our hcarts to God the Father Only in this way we can
draw the strcngth and screnity needed to endure thesc hard times, by tuming to Hirn, in prayer and
interccssion, to implore and cry out to God amidst this anguish.
On behalfof all the Ordmancs ofthe Holy Land. 1 invitc all panshes and religious communities to a
day of fasting and prayer for peacc and rcconciliation
We ask that on Tuesday, October 17. everyone hold a day of fasting, abstinence, and prayer.
Lei us organize prayer times with Eucharistie adoration and with the recitation of the Rosary
to Our Blcssed Virgin Mary. /Vlthough most probably in many parts of our dioceses
circumstances will not permit large gatherings, it is possible to organize simple and sober
common moments of prayer In parishes, religious communities, and familles.
This is the way wc all come together despitc evcrything, and unitc collectively in prayer, to deliver
to God the Father our thirst for peacc, justice and reconciliation.
With sincere prayers for all«
A.O.C.T.S. - P.O. Box: 205319120402 Jerusalem • Tel: *972.02.6288554
secretary0aocts.org Assembly Of Catholic Ordinaries Of The Holy Land
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Wir bitten alle, am Dienstag, den 17. Oktober, einen Tag des Fastens, der Enthaltsamkeit und des Gebets zu feiern.