Facts of The Blood of Jesus Christ #jesuschrist #jesus #jesusmiracle Dive into an unprecedented exploration of the blood of Jesus Christ, blending faith with science in this captivating video. We …More
Facts of The Blood of Jesus Christ #jesuschrist #jesus #jesusmiracle

Dive into an unprecedented exploration of the blood of Jesus Christ, blending faith with science in this captivating video. We explore groundbreaking scientific research on artifacts and Eucharistic miracles purported to contain the blood of Christ. From the Shroud of Turin to the Miracle of Lanciano, join us as we analyze the findings of forensic studies, DNA analysis, and other scientific investigations that seek to unlock the mysteries surrounding these revered relics. This video is perfect for those intrigued by the intersection of religion, history, and science. Whether you're a devout believer in the power of these miracles or a skeptic fascinated by the history of such artifacts, this video provides a balanced perspective on the scientific exploration of one of Christianity's most sacred elements. #JesusBloodScience #EucharisticMiracles #RelicResearch #FaithMeetsScience #HistoricalArtifacts #ShroudOfTurin #MiracleOfLanciano #ScientificInvestigation #TheologyAndScience
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Tolles Video über Christi Blut! Sehenswert!
Could you please provide the original link. This will not play for me here. Thanks
Jesus Freak
I uploaded it again for you, I shared it from another user here on gloria.tv
thank you
Jesus Freak
@joseph333333 Vitit the website, its more important than the video:
Hello, since the refugee crisis in 2015, I've been waiting for the inflation we're currently experiencing. At the moment, I expect a revolution in Germany, a Russian attack, and the return of Christ! However, all these years, I was not clear why Russia would ever attack us. Well, that question is being answered these days. But how …More
@joseph333333 Vitit the website, its more important than the video:

Hello, since the refugee crisis in 2015, I've been waiting for the inflation we're currently experiencing. At the moment, I expect a revolution in Germany, a Russian attack, and the return of Christ! However, all these years, I was not clear why Russia would ever attack us. Well, that question is being answered these days. But how could I have known that back then?

➀ "First comes a prosperity like never before. (Economic miracle 1959)

➁ Then follows a decline in faith like never before. (Decline of Catholic religion, Second Vatican Council 1965)

➂ Then an unprecedented moral corruption follows (68er movement)

➃ Then a large number of foreign people come into the country. (Refugee crisis 2015)

➄ There is high inflation. Money loses more and more value. (Inflation, since 2022)

➅ Soon after, the revolution follows.

➆ Then the Russians attack the West overnight."

This was prophesied by the Bavarian Alois Irlmaier around 70 years ago. During the war, he could tell people whether their relatives had fallen, or if and when they would return home. He warned people of bomb hits and much, much more. This spread, and people gathered outside his house seeking advice. This did not go unnoticed, so he was accused of charlatanism in Bavaria (the priest reported him) and he was brought to trial. The judge wanted proof of his clairvoyant abilities, and Irlmaier said that the judge's wife was at home drinking coffee with a strange man at that moment and wearing a red dress. The court officer was sent to check. It was true! He was acquitted.

The lasting impression he left on the judiciary can be seen from the reasoning of the judgment (screenshot on the website):

"[...] The accused continued his professional work, only dedicating himself to providing information to seekers on weekends, but then he was practically overwhelmed by the onslaught. Accordingly, the behavior of the accused does not indicate that he is a charlatan. On the contrary, he helped many people during the war to cope with the nerve strain of the air raids. He selflessly provided them with spiritual comfort in the most difficult hours by accurately predicting which times would bring special dangers, which areas, indeed which houses, were particularly endangered, and how the seekers should behave. The testimony of the witnesses has provided such astonishing evidence of the clairvoyant abilities of the accused, which can hardly be explained by previously known natural forces, that he cannot be referred to as a charlatan ( = fraudulent clairvoyant). [...]"

If he prophesied a great war above, he also says how it would end, and he confirms the Christian prophecy regarding the return of Christ:


Alois Irlmaier (1894-1959)
"IT WILL BE DARK ON ONE DAY DURING THE WAR. Then there will be a hailstorm with lightning and thunder, and an earthquake will shake the earth. Then do not go out of the house. The lights will not burn, except candlelight, the electricity will stop. Whoever inhales the dust will get cramps and die. Do not open the windows, close them. Outside, the dust death is rampant, many people are dying. After 72 hours, everything will be over. But I say it again: Do not go out, do not look out the window, let the blessed candle or the wax stick burn. And pray. Overnight, more people will die than in the two world wars. Do not open any windows during the 72 hours."

Josef Stockert (1947)
"So I saw angels of death going out and pouring their cups of poison over all humanity. Whole nations will die. The great catastrophe will naturally begin and supernaturally end. Remember what that means, NATURAL AND SUPERNATURAL! GOD WILL INTERVENE HIMSELF. The earth will be thrown out of its orbit and the sun will no longer shine. Darkness will be on the whole earth for 72 hours. In this darkness, no light will burn except the light of faith and consecrated candles, which will remain for anyone who has faithfully fulfilled the request of the Mother of God. True Christians will close and cover windows and doors during this time and gather in prayer around the cross and the image of the most blessed Virgin. Do not look out and do not be curious about what is happening outside, otherwise you must die! Two-thirds of humanity will be taken from the earth ... It will now be a fruitful time of peace." The seer's afterword reads: "When I had seen the terrible judgment of God, I was internally broken. Days, weeks, and years passed, and whenever I thought of that terrible night, I was broken anew."

Anna Maria Taigi (1769-1837)
"The other judgment comes from heaven. Dense darkness will come over the whole earth for three days and three nights. This darkness will make it completely impossible to see anything. Furthermore, the darkness will be associated with contamination of the air, which will indeed not exclusively, but primarily, sweep away the enemies of the religion (!). As long as the darkness lasts, it will be impossible to make light. Only consecrated candles will be able to ignite and provide their light. Whoever opens the window and looks out or goes out of the house out of curiosity during this darkness will fall dead on the spot. During these three days, people should rather stay in their homes, pray the rosary, and implore God's mercy."

Father Pio (1887-1968)
"From the clouds, hurricanes of fire streams will spread over the earth. Storms and bad weather, thunderclaps and earthquakes will follow one another incessantly, and the rain of fire will fall incessantly. It will start on a very cold night. Thunder and earthquakes will shake the earth for two days. This will prove that God is above all. Those who hope in Me (Jesus) and believe in Me have nothing to fear because I will not abandon them... The night is very cold, the wind roars, and after some time, the thunder will begin. Lock all doors and windows and speak to no one outside the house. Kneel down in spirit before the cross and repent of all your sins. Ask God and Me (Jesus) for my protection. While the earth is trembling, do not look out, for the wrath of God must be viewed with fear and trembling. Those who do not follow this advice will perish instantly... On the third night, earthquakes and fires will cease, and the following day the sun will shine again. One-third of humanity will perish."

In total, this darkness has been prophesied over 50 times throughout the centuries; Irlmaier confirms many other prophets, and he sees the return of the LORD:

"During or at the end of the war, I see the sign in the sky, the Crucified One with the wounds, and everyone will see it. I have seen it three times already; it will certainly come."

"...During this event, I see a great cross standing in the sky, and there will be an earthquake with lightning and thunder, so that everyone will be terrified and the whole world will cry out:


Everything about war, darkness, and what to do now is on the website. Use ChatGPT or deepl to translate the website.

Der Dritte Weltkrieg und die Apokalypse
Jesus Freak